.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-96874-1664488673: ============================ Feature: #96874 - CKEditor 5 ============================ See :issue:`96874` Description =========== TYPO3 v12 ships with CKEditor 5, a Rich-Text Editor to edit fields where custom formatting for text with styling or links, or table formatting can be achieved. CKEditor 5 is a completely rewritten and new editor compared to CKEditor 4, which was shipped since TYPO3 v8. In general, most of the feature-set can be used in TYPO3 as before, with some details kept in mind when upgrading. Please read the documentation on the conceptual changes between CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/migration-from-ckeditor-4.html Impact ====== Next to plugins, which are not compatible anymore due to a completely different model architecture, some configuration options have been modified or do not apply anymore. Most of the RTE configuration, which is done in TYPO3 in YAML preset files, is migrated, however it is recommended to rewrite any custom configuration files to become familiar with the CKEditor 5 API. CSS Styling ----------- CKEditor 5 does not load its editor in a specific iframe anymore. Especially for adding custom styling and fonts, all CSS declarations now need to be prefixed with ".ck-content". This scoping is applied by TYPO3 automatically to all custom CSS styles. Please be aware that referenced CSS stylesheets need to be downloadable via :js:`fetch()` in order for the JavaScript based prefixing to work. Configuration Options --------------------- Some options have been adapted, which are rarely used, but now documented here: * editor.config.defaultContentLanguage is migrated to editor.config.language.content * editor.config.defaultLanguage is migrated to editor.config.language.ui The following options are not needed anymore in CKEditor 5: * editor.config.uiColor * editor.config.removeDialogTabs * editor.config.entities_latin * editor.config.entities * editor.config.extraAllowedContent (migrated to editor.config.htmlSupport, covered via GeneralHTMLSupport plugin) * :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rte_ckeditor']['plugins']['TYPO3Link']['additionalAttributes']` More migration options can be found here: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/migration-from-ckeditor-4.html Custom configuration to the WordCount plugin is automatically migrated from `editor.config.wordcount` to `editor.config.wordCount`: * `editor.config.justifyClasses` was used to add classes to the alignment types, which is migrated to `editor.config.alignment`. Example: .. code-block:: yaml alignment: options: - { name: 'left', className: 'text-start' } - { name: 'center', className: 'text-center' } - { name: 'right', className: 'text-end' } - { name: 'justify', className: 'text-justify' } in addition, the extraPlugins `justify` is not needed anymore. The new plugin called `Alignment` is always active. * `editor.config.format_tags` was used to populate various block-level elements with a syntax like `p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;pre`. This is now moved to `editor.config.heading`: .. code-block:: yaml heading: options: - { model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph' } - { model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2' } - { model: 'heading3', view: 'h3', title: 'Heading 3' } - { model: 'formatted', view: 'pre', title: 'My Pre-Formatted Text' } * `editor.config.removeButtons` items have a different naming now, and are moved to `editor.config.toolbar.removeItems`. This is however not needed anymore since toolbarGroups are removed and each button can now be declared properly. * `editor.config.stylesSet` which is used for the dropdown of custom style elements, is moved to `editor.config.style.definitions` with a similar syntax. .. code-block:: yaml style: definitions: # block level styles - { name: "Lead", element: "p", classes: ['lead'] } - { name: "Small", element: "small", classes: [] } # Inline styles - { name: "Muted", element: "span", classes: ['text-muted'] } Please note that as of today, the "classes" attribute must be used, and custom "style" attribute does not work. * `editor.config.toolbarGroups` was previously used to create the buttons in the toolbar. This was used in conjunction with `editor.config.removeButtons`. Grouping is no longer available, but instead all buttons are listed separately with minor naming changes. The new option is now named `editor.config.toolbar` with `items` and `removeItems` as possible lists of buttons to show or hide. Functionality like "Cut/Copy/Paste" is now implicitly built-in without the need of cluttering the toolbar. Example from TYPO3's "Full" RTE configuration Yaml file: .. code-block:: yaml toolbar: items: - clipboard - undo - redo # grouping separator - '|' - find - selectAll - '|' - Link - SoftHyphen - insertTable - tableColumn - tableRow - mergeTableCells - '|' - sourceEditing - horizontalLine # line break - '-' - bold - italic - underline - strikethrough - subscript - superscript - alignment - removeFormat - '|' - bulletedList - numberedList - blockQuote - indent - outdent - '|' - specialCharacters - '-' - style - heading Removal of single buttons via `editor.config.removeButtons` is now of limited need, however a list of `editor.config.toolbar.removeItems` can be given. * `editor.config.stylesSet` which is used for the dropdown of custom style elements, is moved to `editor.config.style.definitions` with a similar syntax. .. code-block:: yaml style: definitions: # block level styles - { name: "Lead", element: "p", classes: ['lead'] } - { name: "Small", element: "small", classes: [] } # Inline styles - { name: "Muted", element: "span", classes: ['text-muted'] } CKEditor 5 integration is still experimental and subject to change to adapt to further needs until TYPO3 v12 LTS. .. index:: RTE, ext:rte_ckeditor