.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-101838-1693834389: ================================================ Feature: #101838 - BeforeLoadedUserTsConfigEvent ================================================ See :issue:`101838` Description =========== The PSR-14 event :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\IncludeTree\Event\BeforeLoadedUserTsConfigEvent` can be used to add global static user TSconfig before anything else is loaded. This is especially useful, if user TSconfig is generated automatically as a string from a PHP function. It is important to understand that this config is considered static and thus should not depend on runtime / request. Example ------- .. code-block:: php addTsConfig('global = a global setting'); } } Impact ====== Developers are able to define an event listener which is dispatched before any other user TSconfig is loaded. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, TSConfig, ext:core