.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-102177-1697483829: ================================================================== Feature: #102177 - WebP support for images generated by GIFBUILDER ================================================================== See :issue:`102177` Description =========== GIFBUILDER, the image manipulation library for TypoScript based on GDlib, a PHP extension bundled into PHP, now also supports generating resulting files of type "webp". WebP is an image format, that is supported by all moderns browsers, and usually has a better compression (= smaller file size) than jpg files. Impact ====== If defined via format=webp within a GifBuilder setup, the generated files are now webp instead of png (the default). It is possible to define the quality of a webp image similar to jpg images globally via :php:`$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['webp_quality']` or via TypoScript's "quality" property on a per-image basis. Setting the quality to "101" equivalents to "lossless" compression. Example ------- .. code-block:: typoscript page.10 = IMAGE page.10 { file = GIFBUILDER file { backColor = yellow XY = 1024,199 format = webp quality = 44 10 = IMAGE 10.offset = 10,10 10.file = 1:/my-image.jpg } } A new test in the Environment module / Install Tool can be used to check if the bundled GDlib extension of your PHP version supports the WebP image format. .. index:: FAL, TypoScript, ext:frontend