.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-88537-1702764465: ================================================================ Feature: #88537 - WebP image format support for Image Processing ================================================================ See :issue:`88537` Description =========== WebP [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebP] is a modern image format for the web that comes with several advantages over PNG or JPEG image files: - WebP images have roughly 30% smaller file size compared to JPEG or PNG files - WebP images support an alpha channel (transparency) which JPEG files do not support WebP is support by all modern browsers [https://caniuse.com/webp], and is available for processing / generation in most ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick versions. TYPO3 can now generate WebP images, if the underlying ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick library supports WebP. Impact ====== By default, WebP images can now be generated, as TYPO3's configuration setting :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext']` is now extended with "webp". Integrators can now use the file extension `webp` in their Fluid template or Fluid templates or PHP code when interacting with the underlying Processing API or the Graphical Functions API. The Install Tool / Environment Module displays if support for generating WebP image files is possible. In addition, a new report in the :guilabel:`System > Reports` module of TYPO3 backend shows, if TYPO3 is properly configured for generating WebP image files. If the underlying ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick library is not built with WebP support, the server administrators can install or recompile the library with WebP support by installing the `cwebp` or `dwebp` libraries. The default quality of generated WebP image files can be defined via :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['webp_quality']` which requires a value between 1 (low quality, small file size) and 100 (best quality, large file size), or set to `lossless` which uses the lossless compression format. Even lossless compression for converting, for example, PNG files will result in smaller file sizes as WebP [https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/gallery2]. Depending on the target audience of the TYPO3 Frontend, it may be valid to disable WebP support by removing "webp" from the `imagefile_ext` setting. .. index:: FAL, Fluid, Frontend, LocalConfiguration, ext:core