.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-60574: =============================================== Deprecation: #60574 - Client Related Conditions =============================================== See :issue:`60574` Description =========== Conditions that depend on client details are unlovely for a number of reasons: * Per condition or permutation of conditions that matches, the frontend creates a different cache entry. This can lead to a very high number of cache entrys per page * Conditions based on browser or clients on server side are bad practice. * The device information in the core is outdated (for example it is possible to match "AMIGA") * Setups like reverse proxies give additional headaches with these types of conditions * All client related condition types are deprecated with this patch. Impact ====== Usage of client related TypoScript conditions will result in a deprecation log message. Client related conditions are browser, version, system and useragent. Affected installations ====================== Installations using TypoScript conditions for browser, version, system or useragent. Migration ========= * Most usual conditions for specific browsers can nowadays be turned into conditional CSS includes * Use libraries such as modernizr for browser support * If conditions for specific clients or devices are still needed, they should be done with a userFunc condition and a project like WURFL that keep the device information more recent than the current core code like matching AMIGA .. index:: TypoScript, Frontend