.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-51905: ========================================================================== Feature: #51905 - Add dependencies between classes in the Rich Text Editor ========================================================================== See :issue:`51905` Description =========== It is now possible to configure a class as requiring other classes. The syntax of this new property is .. code-block:: typoscript RTE.classes.[ *classname* ] { .requires = list of class names; list of classes that are required by the class; if this property, in combination with others, produces a circular relationship, it is ignored; when a class is added on an element, the classes it requires are also added, possibly recursively; when a class is removed from an element, any non-selectable class that is not required by any of the classes remaining on the element is also removed. } Impact ====== There is no impact on previous configurations. .. index:: TSConfig, RTE, Backend