.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-58033: ================================================================================= Feature: #58033 - Enable label override of checkbox and radio buttons by TSconfig ================================================================================= See :issue:`58033` Description ----------- Use TSconfig to override labels of radio buttons and checkboxes used in FormEngine. For single checkboxes the key `default` is used: .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.pages.hidden.altLabels.default = individual label .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.pages.hidden.altLabels.default = LLL:path/to/languagefile.xlf:individualLabel For fields with multiple checkboxes, the value or the corresponding numeration (0,1,2,3) of the checkbox is used: .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM.pages.l18n_cfg.altLabels.0 = individual label for the first checkbox TCEFORM.pages.l18n_cfg.altLabels.1 = individual label for the second checkbox The same functionality works on radio buttons, where the "key" is the value of the radio button. As seen in the example, hard-coded strings or references to language files are allowed. Impact ------ The feature enables even more customization for FormEngine for any custom crafted backend instance. .. index:: TSConfig, Backend