.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-66077: ============================================================== Feature: #66077 - Introduce callouts to replace content alerts ============================================================== See :issue:`66077` Description =========== In several places alerts (flash messages) were used to display context information. We introduce content info boxes and replace all occurrences where flash messages were used. Impact ====== We introduced a new layout for context information and added a ViewHelper to render the markup. Examples ======== Simple info box with a title. Please note that the title will always be HTML encoded by the ViewHelper .. code-block:: html your box content All options of the ViewHelper. If you pass your message as ViewHelper argument, it will also be HTML encoded. .. code-block:: html If you really need to output HTML in your message, use the closing variant. All children of the ViewHelper will be used as message. .. code-block:: html


.. index:: Fluid, Backend