.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-61903: ========================================================= Feature: #61903 - PageTS dataprovider for backend layouts ========================================================= See :issue:`61903` Description =========== Over the last year, several extensions appeared on TER that implemented the very same basic feature: Deploying backend layouts without database records by providing them via PageTS. Implement a generic PageTS provider for backend layouts to unify those approaches and to make backend layouts reusable across installations. Impact ====== It is now possible to define backend layouts via PageTSConfig on every page. Example ------- .. code-block:: typoscript mod { web_layout { BackendLayouts { exampleKey { title = Example config { backend_layout { colCount = 1 rowCount = 2 rows { 1 { columns { 1 { name = LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:colPos.I.3 colPos = 3 colspan = 1 } } } 2 { columns { 1 { name = Main colPos = 0 colspan = 1 } } } } } } icon = EXT:example_extension/Resources/Public/Images/BackendLayouts/default.gif } } } } .. index:: TSConfig, Backend