.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-71458: ========================================================================== Breaking: #71458 - FullQuoteArray can't handle boolean values for $noQuote ========================================================================== See :issue:`71458` Description =========== The API for `fullQuoteArray` allows the parameter `$noQuote` to be boolean but converted it automatically to false as `$noQuote` is neither a string nor an array. This behavior has been fixed, passing `true` for `$noQuote` now disables quoting of any passed in values. Impact ====== Passing in boolean `true` results in escaping being disabled for all values. Affected Installations ====================== All installations making use of `INSERTmultipleRows()`, `INSERTquery()`, `UPDATEquery()` or `fullQuoteArray()` and relying on the fact that quoting remains enabled when `true` is passed as value for `$noQuote`. Migration ========= Pass the correct list of fields to disable quoting for unless none of the fields should be quoted. .. index:: PHP-API, Database