.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72686: ================================================ Breaking: #72686 - Removed RteHtmlParser methods ================================================ See :issue:`72686` Description =========== The following methods within `RteHtmlParser` have been removed without substitution: * `RteHtmlParser->siteUrl()` * `RteHtmlParser->getUrl()` The second method parameter of the following methods have been removed as they have no effect anymore: * `RteHtmlParser->HTMLcleaner_db()` * `RteHtmlParser->getKeepTags()` Impact ====== Calling either `RteHtmlParser->siteUrl()` or `RteHtmlParser->getUrl()` will result in a PHP fatal error. Calling `RteHtmlParser->HTMLcleaner_db()` or `RteHtmlParser->getKeepTags()` with a second parameter will have no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== TYPO3 instances which use RteHtmlParser methods directly within a third-party extension for HTML transformation. Migration ========= Use `GeneralUtility::getUrl()` instead of `RteHtmlParser->getUrl()`. Use `GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL')` instead of `RteHtmlParser->siteUrl()`. .. index:: PHP-API, RTE