.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-72931-1668719172: ================================================================================= Breaking: #72931 - SearchFormController::pi_list_browseresults() has been renamed ================================================================================= See :issue:`72931` Description =========== In order to make Indexed Search pi-based plugin PHP7 compatible, the `SearchFormController::pi_list_browseresults()` method has been renamed to `SearchFormController::renderPagination()`. Parameter types, order and count have been preserved. However the methods visibility has been changed to protected. Impact ====== Call to old method name will result in fatal error "Call to undefined method". Affected Installations ====================== Any installation of TYPO3 7.6 or TYPO3 8 where `SearchFormController` is overloaded (XCLASSed) and the new class contains a call to the old method name and any code that called the public method from outside the class. Migration ========= Rename :php:`pi_list_browseresults()` to :php:`renderPagination()`. Calling the method from outside the class is no longer possible. .. index:: PHP-API, Frontend, ext:indexed_search