.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-75710: =============================================================================== Breaking: #75710 - RTE-related TSconfig options skipAlign and skipClass removed =============================================================================== See :issue:`75710` Description =========== The two RTE-related TSconfig options :typoscript:`RTE.default.proc.skipAlign` and :typoscript:`RTE.default.proc.skipClass` that don't allow align and class attributes when converting content from the RTE to the database have been removed. Impact ====== Setting these options will have no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation setting custom TSconfig options for :typoscript:`skipAlign`, :typoscript:`skipClass` or setting :typoscript:`keepPDIVattribs` without :typoscript:`class` and :typoscript:`align` as values are affected. Migration ========= In order to allow class and align attributes in paragraph tags, the option :typoscript:`keepPDIVattribs` needs to be extended to also include "class" and "align" as values, which is done by default. If an installation has custom TSconfig settings using :typoscript:`keepPDIVattribs`, the two attributes need to be added accordingly to still allow class and align attributes to be kept when transforming from the RTE to the database. .. index:: TSConfig, RTE, Backend