.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-71917: ===================================================================================== Deprecation: #71917 - Deprecate the argument 'hsc' for getLL, getLLL, sL and pi_getLL ===================================================================================== See :issue:`71917` Description =========== The parameter :php:`$hsc` within the following methods of :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Lang\LanguageService` has been marked as deprecated: * :php:`getLL()` * :php:`getLLL()` * :php:`sL()` The parameter :php:`$hsc` within the following method of :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin` has been marked as deprecated: * :php:`pi_getLL()` Impact ====== Directly or indirectly using any of the methods :php:`getLL()`, :php:`getLLL()`, :php:`sL()` or :php:`pi_getLL()` with the parameter :php:`$hsc` will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation with a third-party extension calling one of the methods in its PHP code. Migration ========= If the return value of these methods is output in HTML context use :php:`htmlspecialchars` directly to properly escape the content. .. index:: Frontend, Backend, PHP-API