.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-77062: ===================================================================== Breaking: #77062 - Example image in TS constants descriptions removed ===================================================================== See :issue:`77062` Description =========== In previous TYPO3 versions it was possible to add help text and an help image to a certain category or configuration option in the TypoScript Constant Editor of the TYPO3 Backend. This was previously done via an additional Constant Editor option within the `TSConstantEditor` object. The functionality has been removed without substitution. Along with that change, the following PHP methods have been removed: * :php:`ExtendedTemplateService::ext_getTSCE_config_image()` * :php:`ConfigurationForm::ext_getTSCE_config_image()` The following public properties have been removed: * :php:`ExtendedTemplateService::$ext_localGfxPrefix` * :php:`ExtendedTemplateService::$ext_localWebGfxPrefix` Within :php:`ConfigurationForm::ext_initTSstyleConfig()` the second and third parameter have been removed. Impact ====== Setting an option :typoscript:`TSConstantEditor.basic.image = EXT:sys_note/ext_icon.png` for a category or configuration option in TypoScript constants has no effect anymore. Calling any of the removed methods will result in a fatal PHP error. Using any of the removed properties will result in a PHP warning. Calling :php:`ConfigurationForm::ext_initTSstyleConfig()` with the second or third parameter will result in a PHP warning. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 installation with extended TypoScript constant editor configuration. Migration ========= Remove the affected TypoScript constant editor configuration code, and any reference to the removed PHP methods and properties. .. index:: TypoScript, PHP-API