.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-76259: ================================================================ Feature: #76259 - Introduce buildQueryParametersPostProcess Hook ================================================================ See :issue:`76259` Description =========== With the migration to Doctrine the hook `buildQueryParameters` has been introduced in the class :php:`DatabaseRecordList`. This hook replaces the hook `makeQueryArray` from the deprecated method :php:`AbstractDatabaseRecordList::makeQueryArray`. Using this hook allows modifying the parameters used to query the database for records to be shown in the record list view. The hook-object needs to be registered in :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS'][\TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList::class]['buildQueryParameters'][]` and implement the public method :php:`buildQueryParametersPostProcess`. The signature of the :php:`buildQueryParametersPostProcess` method is as following: .. code-block:: php public function buildQueryParametersPostProcess( array $parameters, string $table, int $pageId, array $additionalConstraints, array $fieldList, AbstractDatabaseRecordList $parentObject ) : void { } The following fields are part of the `$parameters` array and can be modified: ============== ========== =========== Key Type Description -------------- ---------- ----------- table string The queried tablename fields string[] The columns to retrieve groupBy string[] The columns to group the result by firstResult int|null The offset to start retrieve rows from maxResults int|null The maximum number of rows to retrieve orderBy array[] Array of arrays containing fieldname/sorting pairs where string[] Array of where conditions to apply to the database query. ============== ========== =========== .. index:: PHP-API, Database