.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-78581: ================================================================ Breaking: #78581 - FormEngine TcaFlexFetch data provider removed ================================================================ See :issue:`78581` Description =========== The FormEngine data provider :php:`TcaFlexFetch` has been merged into data provider :php:`TcaFlexPrepare`. Impact ====== If own registered data providers are declared to "depends" or "before" :php:`TcaFlexFetch`, the :php:`DependencyResolver` will be unable to find it and throws an exception or sorts the own data provider to an ambiguous place. Affected Installations ====================== An installation is only affected in the relatively unlikely case that an own data provider declared a dependency to :php:`TcaFlexFetch`. Migration ========= Move the dependency over to :php:`TcaFlexPrepare`: The two data providers have been merged into one, it should be save for any data provider to hook in before or after :php:`TcaFlexPrepare` instead. There is a little additional flex form processing in :php:`TcaFlexPrepare`, so the flex structure might be a bit different. Have a look at methods :php:`removeTceFormsArrayKeyFromDataStructureElements()` and :php:`migrateFlexformTcaDataStructureElements()` for details. .. index:: PHP-API, FlexForm, Backend