.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-78581: =============================================== Deprecation: #78581 - Flex form related parsing =============================================== See :issue:`78581` Description =========== Three flex form data structure related parsing methods have been deprecated: * :php:`BackendUtility::getFlexFormDS()` * :php:`GeneralUtility::resolveSheetDefInDS()` * :php:`GeneralUtility::resolveAllSheetsInDS()` Impact ====== Calling those PHP methods will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Extensions calling one of the above methods. Migration ========= :php:`BackendUtility::getFlexFormDS()` has been refactored to a combination of two methods :php:`FlexFormTools->getDataStructureIdentifier()` and :php:`FlexFormTools->parseDataStructureByIdentifier()`. The two methods are heavily documented and the combination works in many cases just as before. Read the method comments for a detailed description of their purpose. Warning: The hook :php:`getFlexFormDSClass` within :php:`BackendUtility::getFlexFormDS()` is no longer called by the core. Please refer to the according "Breaking" document for details on this topic. .. index:: PHP-API, FlexForm, Backend