.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-78679: ========================================================================== Deprecation: #78679 - Crawler inclusion via require_once in Indexed Search ========================================================================== See :issue:`78679` Description =========== The system extension "Indexed Search" has support for `EXT:crawler`, by using the crawler library to index a page. This functionality is done under the hood via the Indexer class, which does a manual PHP call on "require_once" - code which is not necessary anymore, since the TYPO3 Core class loader is in place. The public PHP method `TYPO3\CMS\IndexedSearch\Indexer->includeCrawlerClass()` is therefore marked as deprecated. Impact ====== Calling the method `TYPO3\CMS\IndexedSearch\Indexer->includeCrawlerClass()` will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 installation with a custom indexer written in PHP, and Indexed Search and Crawler installed, and the custom indexer using the method call above. Migration ========= Remove the function call, as TYPO3 includes the PHP class automatically. .. index:: ext:indexed_search, PHP-API