.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-78415: ================================================================================= Feature: #78415 - Global Fluid ViewHelper namespaces moved to TYPO3 configuration ================================================================================= See :issue:`78415` Description =========== By storing Fluid's namespaces in `$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['fluid']['namespaces']` we can allow adding or extending the global namespaces from third party packages in for example :file:`ext_localconf.php` or by simply specifying the namespace arrays in :file:`LocalConfiguration.php`. In terms of performance there is nearly zero impact but in terms of flexibility this should provide the ultimate way to manage global namespaces as configuration; something that currently is only possible by implementing custom ViewHelperResolvers. Impact ====== * Site administrators and third party ViewHelper packages will be able to manipulate the global namespace `f:` in configuration * Third party ViewHelper packages will be able to register new global namespaces * Template developers can use such global namespaces without first importing them and can use them in all Fluid templates regardless of context. .. index:: Fluid, LocalConfiguration, PHP-API