.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-78899: ========================================================== Deprecation: #78899 - TCA ctrl field requestUpdate dropped ========================================================== See :issue:`78899` Description =========== The :code:`TCA` :code:`ctrl` configuration option :code:`['ctrl']['requestUpdate']` has been dropped. This option was often used together with :code:`displayCond` fields to re-evaluate display conditions if referenced fields changed their value. Typically, a "Refresh required" popup is raised to the editor in those cases, if the editor did not disable that. The field has been moved and is now located within the :code:`['columns']` section of the single field as :code:`'onChange' => 'reload'`. Impact ====== The field is just moved from :code:`ctrl` section to the single field `columns` section. An automatic TCA migration does that and logs deprecation messages. Affected Installations ====================== All :code:`TCA` tables that use :code:`requestUpdate` in :code:`ctrl` section. Migration ========= Monitor the deprecation log for according messages, remove the :code:`ctrl` field and add :code:`'onChange' => 'reload'` to fields listed in :code:`requestUpdate` parallel to :code:`label` and :code:`config` section of the field in question. The option can be added to multiple fields. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, TCA