.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-79121: ============================================================================ Feature: #79121 - Implement hook in typolink for modification of page params ============================================================================ See :issue:`79121` Description =========== A new hook has been implemented in ContentObjectRenderer::typoLink for links to pages. With this hook you can modify the link configuration, for example enriching it with additional parameters or meta data from the page row. Impact ====== You can now register a hook via: .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typolinkProcessing']['typolinkModifyParameterForPageLinks'][] = \Your\Namespace\Hooks\MyBeautifulHook::class; Your hook has to implement `TypolinkModifyLinkConfigForPageLinksHookInterface` with its method :php:`modifyPageLinkConfiguration(array $linkConfiguration, array $linkDetails, array $pageRow)`. In :php:`$linkConfiguration` you get the configuration array for the link - this is what your hook can modify and **has to** return. :php:`$linkDetails` contains additional information for your link and :php:`$pageRow` is the full database row of the page. For more information as to which configuration options may be changed, see TSRef_. Example implementation: ----------------------- .. code-block:: php public function modifyPageLinkConfiguration(array $linkConfiguration, array $linkDetails, array $pageRow) : array { $linkConfiguration['additionalParams'] .= $pageRow['myAdditionalParamsField']; return $linkConfiguration; } .. _TSRef: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Typolink/Index.html .. index:: PHP-API, Backend