.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-79658: ================================================================ Feature: #79658 - Synchronized field values in localized records ================================================================ See :issue:`79658` Description =========== The localized record overlay behaviour has been changed to make localization-rows standalone. Previously, if fields in :code:`TCA` columns were set to :code:`l10n_mode` :code:`exclude` or :code:`mergeIfNotBlank`, the localized record overlay did not contain values, and those values were "pulled up" from the underlying default language records. This has been changed, the :code:`DataHandler` now copies those values over to the localized record and synchronizes them if the default language record is changed. As a substitution of the :code:`mergeIfNotBlank` feature, the new configuration :code:`allowLanguageSynchronization` has been added. Setting this adds a wizard to single fields and an editor can select if a field of a localized record should be kept in sync with the default language record, or the localized record it was derived from. A typical configuration looks like that: .. code-block:: php 'columns' => [ ... 'header' => [ 'label' => 'My header', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'input', 'behaviour' => [ 'allowLanguageSynchronization' => true, ], ], ], ], :code:`TCA` tables that configure the language localization get the field :code:`l10n_state` added by the schema analyzer which stores a json string with field names and the values :code:`custom`, :code:`parent` or :code:`source` to specify if and from which record a single field gets its value. .. index:: Backend, Database, Frontend, PHP-API, TCA