.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-84843-1668719172: ============================================================== Breaking: #84843 - Use no-cookie domain for youtube by default ============================================================== See :issue:`84843` Description =========== To improve the privacy of users the renderer for YouTube videos has been changed to use the no-cookie domain `www.youtube-nocookie.com` by default. The regular domain `www.youtube.com` is used if explicitly set by the following TypoScript configuration: .. code-block:: typoscript lib.contentElement { settings { media { additionalConfig { no-cookie = 0 } } } } Impact ====== The TypoScript configuration :typoscript:`lib.contentElement.settings.media.additionalConfig` is used as attribute :php:`additionalConfig` of the ViewHelper :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\MediaViewHelper`. If no configuration is provided, the domain `www.youtube-nocookie.com` is used. Affected Installations ====================== Installations which require the usage of the domain `www.youtube.com` or setting cookies by YouTube. Migration ========= Use the TypoScript configuration :typoscript:`lib.contentElement.settings.media.additionalConfig.no-cookie = 0` .. index:: TypoScript, ext:fluid_styled_content