.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-83405: =================================================== Feature: #83405 - add ConfirmationFinisher template =================================================== See :issue:`83405` Description =========== The ConfirmationFinisher message is now rendered within a fluid template to allow styling of the message. Furthermore, the FormRuntime (and thus all form element values) and the finisherVariableProvider are available in the template [1]. Custom variables can be added globally within the form setup or at form level in the form definition [2]. By using a fluid template and the associated html escaping, the display of the ConfirmationFinisher message is protected against XSS / html injection attacks. The ext: form supplied fluid template does not include any HTML wrapping to remain compatible with existing installations, but it is possible to implement your own template [3]. [1] Template variables ---------------------- * :html:`{form}` - Object for access to submitted form element values (https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/form/Concepts/FrontendRendering/Index.html#accessing-form-values) * :html:`{finisherVariableProvider}` - Object with data from previous finishers (https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/form/Concepts/FrontendRendering/Index.html#share-data-between-finishers) * :html:`{message}` - The confirmation message [2] custom template variables ----------------------------- global within the form setup: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: finishersDefinition: Confirmation: options: variables: foo: bar per form within the form definition: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: - identifier: Confirmation options: message: 'Thx' variables: foo: bar [3] custom Template ------------------- form setup: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: finishersDefinition: Confirmation: options: templateRootPaths: 20: 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Private/Templates/Form/Finishers/Confirmation/' Impact ====== Integrators can use a ConfirmationFinisher message within a fluid template. Integrators can use additional information such as form element values within the template. The ConfirmationFinisher message is protected against XSS / html injection attacks. .. index:: Frontend, ext:form, NotScanned