.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-80628: ==================================================== Breaking: #80628 - Extension rtehmlarea moved to TER ==================================================== See :issue:`80628` Description =========== The legacy extension ``EXT:rtehtmlarea`` has been removed from the TYPO3 CMS core and is only available as TER extension. Impact ====== The new extension ``EXT:rte_ckeditor`` is loaded by default, if you need features of the old rtehmlarea extension, you have to install ``EXT:rtehtmlarea`` from TER. An upgrade wizard can do this for you in the upgrade process of the install tool. If you have allowed images in RTE, you should install the rtehtmlarea extension, the ckeditor extension does not support images in RTE. Affected Installations ====================== Most installations are not affected. Instances are only affected if a loaded extension has a dependency to ``EXT:rtehtmlarea`` extension, or if the instance has used special plugins. Migration ========= Use the upgrade wizard provided by the install tool to fetch and load the extensions from TER if you really need it. .. index:: Backend, RTE