.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-79770: ======================================================= Deprecation: #79770 - Deprecate inline localizationMode ======================================================= See :issue:`79770` Description =========== The `localizationMode` for inline relational record editing types is deprecated. Impact ====== Using `localizationMode` set to `keep` and having `allowLanguageSynchronization` enabled at the same time is counter-productive, since it will deny the synchronization process for the affected field. That's why `localizationMode` is unset only if `allowLanguageSynchronization` is enabled. Affected Installations ====================== All having :php:`$TCA[]['columns'][]['config']['behaviour']['localizationMode']` defined for database tables that support translations. Migration ========= Remove :php:`$TCA[]['columns'][]['config']['behaviour']['localizationMode']` definitions and make use of either one of the following * :php:`$TCA[]['columns'][]['config']['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] = true` if editors can decide whether to provide custom child references or synchronize all references from the language parent record - this comes close to `localizationMode=select` without having the possibility to selectively translate child references * :php:`$TCA[]['columns'][]['l10n_mode'] = 'exclude'` if editors don't have a choice to translate child references - this corresponds to `localizationMode=keep` .. index:: Backend, TCA