.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-80513: ======================================================================= Deprecation: #80513 - DataHandler: Various methods and method arguments ======================================================================= See :issue:`80513` Description =========== The method :php:`DataHandler->destPathFromUploadFolder()` has been marked as deprecated. The fourth parameter :php:`$func` of the method :php:`DataHandler->extFileFunctions()` has been deprecated. Impact ====== Calling the method :php:`DataHandler->destPathFromUploadFolder()` will trigger a deprecation log entry. Calling the method :php:`DataHandler->extFileFunctions()` with the fourth parameter (usually set to 'deleteAll') will trigger a deprecation log entry. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation with custom extension logic using the DataHandler and specifically these methods. Migration ========= Replace the function call :php:`DataHandler->destPathFromUploadFolder()` by prepend the constant :php:`PATH_site` before the string to be handed over to the deprecated method. Remove the fourth parameter of the callee of :php:`DataHandler->extFileFunctions()`. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend