.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-82572: ============================================= Breaking: #82572 - RDCT functionality removed ============================================= See :issue:`82572` Description =========== The short-link / redirect functionality based on the GET parameter `RDCT` of TYPO3 Frontend requests has been removed from TYPO3. Along, all functionality related to evaluating `RDCT` is not evaluated anymore. The following PHP methods have been removed: * TypoScriptFrontendController->sendRedirect() * TypoScriptFrontendController->updateMD5paramsRecord() * GeneralUtility::makeRedirectUrl() The eighth property of the constructor of TypoScriptFrontendController is not evaluated anymore, also the public property `TSFE->RDCT` is removed as it is not set anymore. The corresponding database table `cache_md5params` has been dropped. Substitution logic can be found in the TER extension `rdct`. Impact ====== When calling TYPO3 Frontend via `index.php&RDCT=myhash` the RDCT GET parameter is not evaluated anymore. Calling :php:`$TSFE->sendRedirect()`, :php:`$TSFE->updateMD5paramsRecord()` and :php:`GeneralUtility::makeRedirectUrl()` will result in a fatal PHP error. Accessing the now non-existent property :php:`$TSFE->RDCT` will trigger a PHP notice, as well as setting up a new instance of `TypoScriptFrontendController` with an eighth parameter. Accessing the database table `cache_md5params` will also lead to unexpected results as this table does not exist in new installations anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Any TYPO3 instance handling data via the `cache_md5params` database table or creating short links via `&RDCT` hashes. Migration ========= The TER extension `rdct` contains all previous functionality handled via a simple hook. An upgrade wizard within the Install Tool will check if the database table is filled and downloads the extension from TER. It is recommended to use a third-party short-url or redirect extension which provides a richer feature set. .. index:: Frontend, PHP-API, PartiallyScanned