.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-82689: ============================================================================== Breaking: #82689 - Backend AbstractWizardController not extends AbstractModule ============================================================================== See :issue:`82689` Description =========== The PHP class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\Wizard\AbstractWizardController` no longer extends class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\AbstractModule`. This can be breaking if wizard classes of extensions depend on method :php:`processRequest()` or the initialized property :php:`moduleTemplate`. PHP class :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\AbstractModule` has been deprecated and should not be used any longer. Impact ====== * Using class :php:`AbstractModule` will throw a deprecation warning * Extensions with wizards extending class :php:`AbstractWizardController` may fatal if they use property :php:`moduleTemplate` * Extensions with wizards extending class :php:`AbstractWizardController` may fatal if they use they registered routes to method :php:`processRequest` Affected Installations ====================== Installations with extensions with one of the above described patterns. Migration ========= Extensions that extend :php:`AbstractModule` should initialize :php:`moduleTemplate` at an appropriate place instead. Instead of :php:`processRequest()`, routes should be registered in an extensions :file:`Configuration/Backend/Routes.php` and :file:`Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php`. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, PartiallyScanned