.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-82919: ============================================================= Breaking: #82919 - Removed pagetree-related TSconfig settings ============================================================= See :issue:`82919` Description =========== The following edge-case TSconfig options have been removed: - :typoscript:`options.pageTree.disableIconLinkToContextmenu` (Icons are always linked) - :typoscript:`options.pageTree.searchInAlias` (the pages.alias DB field is now always respected when filtering) - :typoscript:`options.pageTree.excludeDoktypes` (there is no restriction to doctypes in the filter anymore) - :typoscript:`options.pageTree.hideFilter` (filter is now always visible) Impact ====== Setting these options in UserTSconfig will have no effect anymore. Affected Installations ====================== Installations having one of these options set. .. index:: Backend, TSConfig, NotScanned