.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-81363: ======================================================================= Feature: #81363 - EXT:form - support form element translation arguments ======================================================================= See :issue:`81363` Description =========== Passing arguments to form element property translations is now supported to enrich translations with variable values. This works for simple, static values purely in YAML: .. code-block:: yaml renderables: fieldWithTranslationArguments: identifier: field-with-translation-arguments type: Checkbox label: This is a %s feature renderingOptions: translation: translationFile: path/to/locallang.xlf arguments: label: - useful Alternatively, translation arguments can be set via :typoscript:`formDefinitionOverrides` in TypoScript. A common usecase is a checkbox for user confirmation linking to details of the topic: .. code-block:: yaml renderables: fieldWithTranslationArguments: identifier: field-with-translation-arguments type: Checkbox label: I agree to the terms and conditions renderingOptions: translation: translationFile: path/to/locallang.xlf .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_form { settings { formDefinitionOverrides { { renderables { 0 { # Page renderables { fieldWithTranslationArguments { renderingOptions { translation { arguments { label { 0 = TEXT 0.typolink { # Terms and conditions page, could be set also via TypoScript constants parameter = 42 returnLast = url } } } } } } } } } } } } } .. important:: There must be at least one translation file with a translation for the configured form element property. Arguments are not inserted into default values defined in a form definition. The same goes for finisher options: .. code-block:: yaml finishers: finisherWithTranslationArguments: identifier: EmailToReceiver options: subject: My %s subject recipientAddress: foo@example.org senderAddress: bar@example.org translation: translationFile: path/to/locallang.xlf arguments: subject: - awesome Impact ====== Form element property translations and finisher option translations can now use placeholders to output translation arguments. .. index:: Frontend, TypoScript, ext:form