.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-82260: ========================================================================= Feature: #82260 - Separation of search result path into title,uri,linkTag ========================================================================= See :issue:`82260` Description =========== For styling and individual html markup of the result of indexed_search it is now possible to get the path information in separate keys. Introduced keys: `pathTitle`, `pathUri`. Enclose the whole result in a link or show the destination (link) as string. (e.g. bootstrap list item). Impact ====== The protected method :php:`linkPage()` returns an array with the "uri" and "target". To build an ATag outside of the fluid template, you have to use the introduced wrapper :php:`linkPageATagWrap()`. Using the keys in your fluid template: .. code-block:: html
.. index:: Frontend, ext:indexed_search