.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-84118: ========================================================================= Deprecation: #84118 - Various public methods of AdminPanelView deprecated ========================================================================= See :issue:`84118` Description =========== To clean up the admin panel and provide a new API various functions of the main class `AdminPanelView` have been marked as deprecated: * `getAdminPanelHeaderData` * `isAdminModuleEnabled` * `saveConfigOptions` * `extGetFeAdminValue` * `forcePreview` * `isAdminModuleOpen` * `extGetHead` * `linkSectionHeader` * `extGetItem` Impact ====== Calling any of the mentioned methods triggers an `E_USER_DEPRECATED` PHP error. Affected Installations ====================== Any installation that calls one of the above methods. Migration ========= Implement your own AdminPanel module by using the new API (see `AdminPanelModuleInterface`). .. index:: Frontend, FullyScanned, ext:frontend