.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-84289: =============================================================================== Deprecation: #84289 - Use ServerRequestInterface in File/CreateFolderController =============================================================================== See :issue:`84289` Description =========== A series of class properties has been set to protected. They will throw deprecation warnings if called public from outside: * :php:`$number` * :php:`$folderNumber` * :php:`$target` * [not scanned] :php:`$title` * [not scanned] :php:`$returnUrl` * :php:`$content` All methods not used as entry points by :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Http\RouteDispatcher` will be removed or set to protected in v10 and throw deprecation warnings if used from a third party: * [not scanned] :php:`main()` Impact ====== Calling one of the above methods or accessing one of the above properties on an instance of :php:`CreateFolderController` will throw a deprecation warning in v9 and a PHP fatal in v10. Affected Installations ====================== The extension scanner will find most usages, but may also find some false positives. The most common property and method names like :php:`$title` are not registered and will not be found if an extension uses that on an instance of :php:`CreateFolderController`. In general all extensions that set properties or call methods except :php:`mainAction()` are affected. Migration ========= In general, extensions should not instantiate and re-use controllers of the core. Existing usages should be rewritten to be free of calls like these. .. index:: Backend, PHP-API, PartiallyScanned, ext:backend