.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-84407-1668719171: ======================================================================================== Deprecation: #84407 - RSA public key generation without "Content-Type: application/json" ======================================================================================== See :issue:`84407` Description =========== The default response of the :php:`RsaPublicKeyGenerationController` eID script was broken since it claimed to return a JSON response but in fact returned a simple string containing a concatenation of public key modulus and exponent. The eID script now returns a proper JSON response if requested with the `Content-Type: application/json` HTTP header: .. code-block:: javascript { "publicKeyModulus": "ABC...", "exponent": "10..." } Impact ====== Extensions performing custom AJAX requests against the :php:`RsaPublicKeyGenerationController` eID script without the `Content-Type: application/json` HTTP header will trigger a deprecation warning in v9 and an error response in v10. Affected Installations ====================== Sites which do not use the default RSA encryption JavaScript to handle form value encryption. Migration ========= The default RSA encryption JavaScript has been migrated, custom implementations must add the `Content-Type: application/json` HTTP header to AJAX requests and parse the JSON response accordingly. .. index:: Backend, Frontend, JavaScript, PHP-API, FullyScanned, ext:rsaauth