.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-86740: ============================================ Feature: #86740 - Replace characters in slug ============================================ See :issue:`86740` Description =========== The configuration of the TCA type `slug` has been extended by the setting `replace`. It allows to replace strings of a slug part. Impact ====== Especially for enhancing the site configuration it might be useful to set the configuration. Easy example ------------ By using the following configuration, slashes are removed from the slug. .. code-block:: php 'type' => 'slug', 'config' => [ 'generatorOptions' => [ 'fields' => ['title'], 'replacements' => [ '/' => '' ], ] 'fallbackCharacter' => '-', 'prependSlash' => true, 'eval' => 'uniqueInPid' ] Advanced examples ----------------- The following configuration uses more replacements: .. code-block:: php 'type' => 'slug', 'config' => [ 'generatorOptions' => [ 'fields' => ['title'], 'replacements' => [ '(f/m)' => '', '/' => '-' ], ] 'fallbackCharacter' => '-', 'prependSlash' => true, 'eval' => 'uniqueInPid' ] This will change the provided slug `Some Job in city1/city2 (f/m)` to `some-job-in-city1-city2`. .. index:: Frontend, ext:core