.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-87380: ======================================================================================== Feature: #87380 - Introduce SiteLanguageAwareInterface to denote site language awareness ======================================================================================== See :issue:`87380` Description =========== A `SiteLanguageAwareInterface` with the methods `setSiteLanguage(Entity\SiteLanguage $siteLanguage)` and `getSiteLanguage()` has been introduced. The interface can be used to denote a class as aware of the site language. Impact ====== Routing aspects respecting the site language are now using the `SiteLanguageAwareInterface` in addition to the `SiteLanguageAwareTrait`. The `AspectFactory` check has been adjusted to check for the interface _or_ the trait. If you are currently using the trait, you should implement the interface as well. .. index:: PHP-API, ext:core