.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _deprecation-86323: ========================================================================= Deprecation: #86323 - Configuration key "site" in YAML site configuration ========================================================================= See :issue:`86323` Description =========== The site configuration is a file called :file:`config` in a folder called :file:`sites` and does not need a ``site`` key to identify its purpose. To keep writing the config as easy as possible, the site configuration moved one level up and now resides directly in :file:`config.yaml`. Impact ====== Having the site configuration below the key "site" has been marked as deprecated and will trigger a PHP :php:`E_USER_DEPRECATED` error. Affected Installations ====================== Installations with a site config that have a key "site" are affected. Migration ========= Remove the "site" key and first level indentation either by directly editing the YAML file or by saving via the sites module. .. index:: Backend, NotScanned, ext:core