.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: php .. _interfaces: ========== Interfaces ========== The following list provides information for all necessary interfaces that are used inside of this documentation. For up to date information, please check the source code. .. php:namespace:: TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets .. php:class:: WidgetInterface Has to be implemented by all widgets. This interface defines public API used by ext:dashboard to interact with widgets. .. php:method:: renderWidgetContent() :returntype: string :returns: The rendered HTML to display. .. php:class:: WidgetConfigurationInterface Used internally in ext:dashboard. Used to separate internal configuration from widgets. Can be required in widget classes and passed to view. .. php:method:: getIdentifier() :returntype: string :returns: Unique identifer of a widget. .. php:method:: getServiceName() :returntype: string :returns: Service name providing the widget implementation. .. php:method:: getGroupNames() :returntype: array :returns: Group names associated to this widget. .. php:method:: getTitle() :returntype: string :returns: Title of a widget, this is used for the widget selector. .. php:method:: getDescription() :returntype: string :returns: Description of a widget, this is used for the widget selector. .. php:method:: getIconIdentifier() :returntype: string :returns: Icon identifier of a widget, this is used for the widget selector. .. php:method:: getHeight() :returntype: int :returns: Height of a widget in rows (1-6). .. php:method:: getWidth() :returntype: int :returns: Width of a widget in columns (1-4). .. php:method:: getAdditionalCssClasses() :returntype: array :returns: Additional CSS classes which should be added to the rendered widget. .. php:class:: RequireJsModuleInterface Widgets implementing this interface will add the provided RequireJS modules. Those modules will be loaded in dashboard view if the widget is added at least once. .. php:method:: getRequireJsModules() Returns a list of RequireJS modules that should be loaded, e.g.:: return [ 'TYPO3/CMS/MyExtension/ModuleName', 'TYPO3/CMS/MyExtension/Module2Name', ]; See also :ref:`t3coreapi:requirejs` for further information regarding RequireJS in TYPO3 Backend. :returntype: array :returns: List of modules to require. .. php:class:: AdditionalJavaScriptInterface Widgets implementing this interface will add the provided JavaScript files. Those files will be loaded in dashboard view if the widget is added at least once. .. php:method:: getJsFiles() Returns a list of JavaScript file names that should be included, e.g.:: return [ 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/file.js', 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/file2.js', ]; :returntype: array :returns: List of JS files to load. .. php:class:: AdditionalCssInterface Widgets implementing this interface will add the provided Css files. Those files will be loaded in dashboard view if the widget is added at least once. .. php:method:: getCssFiles() Returns a list of Css file names that should be included, e.g.:: return [ 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/Css/widgets.css', 'EXT:my_extension/Resources/Public/Css/list-widget.css', ]; :returntype: array :returns: List of Css files to load. .. php:class:: ButtonProviderInterface .. php:method:: getTitle() :returntype: string :returns: The title used for the button. E.g. an ``LLL:EXT:`` reference like ``LLL:EXT:dashboard/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:widgets.t3news.moreItems``. .. php:method:: getLink() :returntype: string :returns: The link to use for the button. Clicking the button will open the link. .. php:method:: getTarget() :returntype: string :returns: The target of the link, e.g. ``_blank``. ``LLL:EXT:dashboard/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:widgets.t3news.moreItems``. .. php:class:: NumberWithIconDataProviderInterface .. php:method:: getNumber() :returntype: integer :returns: The number to display for an number widget. .. php:class:: EventDataInterface .. php:method:: getEventData() :returntype: array :returns: Returns data which should be send to the widget as JSON encoded value. .. php:class:: ChartDataProviderInterface .. php:method:: getChartData() :returntype: array :returns: Provide the data for a graph. The data and options you have depend on the type of chart. More information can be found in the documentation of the specific type: Bar https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/charts/bar.html#data-structure Doughnut https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/charts/doughnut.html#data-structure .. php:class:: ListDataProviderInterface .. php:method:: getItems() :returntype: array :returns: Provide the array if items. Each entry should be a single string.