.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: php .. _make-refreshable: ================== The refresh option ================== In each widget the refresh option can be enabled. If the option is enabled the widget displays a reload button in the top right corner. It can then be refreshed via user interaction or via a javascript api. To enable the refresh action button, you have to define the :yaml:`refreshAvailable` option in the :yaml:`$options` part of the widget registration. Below is an example of a RSS widget with the refresh option enabled. .. code-block:: yaml dashboard.widget.myOwnRSSWidget: class: 'TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets\RssWidget' arguments: $view: '@dashboard.views.widget' $cache: '@cache.dashboard.rss' $options: rssFile: 'https://typo3.org/rss' lifeTime: 43200 refreshAvailable: true tags: - name: dashboard.widget identifier: 'myOwnRSSWidget' groupNames: 'general' title: 'LLL:EXT:extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:widgets.myOwnRSSWidget.title' description: 'LLL:EXT:extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:widgets.myOwnRSSWidget.description' iconIdentifier: 'content-widget-rss' height: 'medium' width: 'medium' .. note:: In this example, the TYPO3 core :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets\RssWidget` widget class is used. In case you have implemented own widget classes, you have to add the :php:`getOptions()` method, returning :php:`$this->options`, to the corresponding classes. Otherwise the refresh option won't have any effect. The method will anyways be required by the :php:`WidgetInterface` in TYPO3 v12. Enable the refresh button ------------------------- Widgets can render a refresh button to allow users to manually refresh them. This is done by passing the value :php:`['refreshAvailable'] = true;` back via :php:`getOptions()` method of the widget. All TYPO3 Core widgets implement this behaviour and allow integrators to configure the option: .. include:: /Widgets/Options/RefreshAvailable.rst.txt JavaScript API -------------- It is possible for all widgets to dispatch an event, which will cause the widget being refreshed. This is possible for all widgets on the dashboard even when the :yaml:`refreshAvailable` option is not defined, or set to `false`. This will give developers the option to refresh the widgets whenever they think it is appropriate. To refresh a widget, dispatch the :js:`widgetRefresh` event on the widget container (the :html:`div` element with the :html:`dashboard-item` class). You can identify the container by the data attribute :html:`widget-hash`, which is a unique hash for every widget, even if you have more widgets of the same type on your dashboard. A small example below: .. code-block:: javascript document .querySelector('[data-widget-hash="{your-unique-widget-hash}"]') .dispatchEvent(new Event('widgetRefresh', {bubbles: true})); See :ref:`implement-new-widget-custom-js` to learn how to add custom JavaScript.