.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _users-manual: Users manual ------------ The felogin extension requires no special configuration. All options are available in the plugin's FlexForm as shown in the :ref:`screenshots`. .. _using-plugin: Using the plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just as with the old login box, the felogin plugin is available through the Content Wizard as "Login Form": .. figure:: ../Images/ContentElementWizard.png :alt: The content element wizard The Login Form plugin in the content element wizard .. _storage-folder: Choosing a Storage Folder for Website Users ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order for Website Users to be able to log in, the felogin plugin must know where the records are stored. There are three possibilities for setting this storage folder: - Go to the page where the felogin plugin exists and edit the page properties, setting the field for the "General Record Storage Page" to your storage folder. - Or edit the felogin plugin, setting the field for the "User Storage Page" to your storage folder. - Or set the UID of you storage folder through TypoScript in the setup field of your TypoScript Template: :: plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.storagePid = xxx