.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _examples: ======== Examples ======== In this section some common situations are described. .. _login-and-back-to-original-page: Send visitors to login page and redirect to original page ========================================================= A common situation is that visitors who go to a page with access restrictions should go to a login page first and after logging in should be send back to the page they originally requested. Assume we have a login page with id `2`. Using TypoScript we can still display links to access restricted pages and send visitors to the login page: .. code-block:: typoscript config { typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages = 2 typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams = &return_url=###RETURN_URL### } On the login page the login form must be configured to redirect to the original page: .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_felogin_login.settings.redirectMode = getpost (This option can also be set in the flexform configuration of the felogin content element) If visitors will directly enter the URL of an access restricted page they will be sent to the first page in the rootline to which they have access. Sending those direct visits to a login page is not a job of the felogin plugin, but requires a custom page-not-found handler. .. _login-link-visibility: Login link visible when not logged in and logout link visible when logged in ============================================================================ Again TypoScript will help you out. The page with the login form has id=2: .. code-block:: typoscript 10 = TEXT 10 { value = Login typolink.parameter = 2 } [loginUser('*')] 10.value = Logout 10.typolink.additionalParams = &logintype=logout [end] Of course there can be solutions with :typoscript:`HMENU` items, etc.