.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _redirect-modes: ============== Redirect Modes ============== The following redirect options are supported. .. _defined-by-usergroup-record: Defined by Usergroup Record =========================== Within a Website usergroup record, you can specify a page where usergroup members will be redirected after login. .. _defined-by-user-record: Defined by User Record ====================== This is identical to the redirection option for "defined by Usergroup Record" but applies to a single website user instead of an entire user group. .. _after-login-ts-or-flexform: After Login (TS or Flexform) ============================ This redirect page is set either in TypoScript (:typoscript:`plugin.tx_felogin_login.settings.redirectPageLogin`) or in the FlexForm of the felogin plugin. .. _after-logout-ts-or-flexform: After Logout (TS or Flexform) ============================= Defines the redirect page after a user has logged out. Again, it can be set in TypoScript or in the felogin plugin's FlexForm. .. _after-login-error-ts-of-flexform: After Login Error (TS of Flexform) ================================== Defines the redirect page after a login error occurs. Can be set in TypoScript or in the felogin plugin's FlexForm. .. _defined-by-get-post-vars: Defined by GET/POST Parameters ============================== Redirect the visitor based on the GET/POST parameters :code:`redirect_url`. If the TypoScript configuration :typoscript:`config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages` is set, the GET/POST parameter :code:`redirect_url` is used. Example url: .. code-block:: text https://example.org/index.php?id=12&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample%2Eorg%2Fdestiny%2F .. _defined-by-referrer: Defined by Referrer =================== The referrer page is used for the redirect. This basically means that the user is sent back to the page he originally came from. .. _defined-by-domain-entries: Defined by Domain entries ========================= Same as :guilabel:`Defined by Referrer`, except that only the domains listed in :typoscript:`plugin.tx_felogin_login.domains` are allowed. If someone is sent to the login page coming from a domain which is not listed, the redirect will not happen. By using the option :guilabel:`Use First Supported Mode from Selection` you can define several fallback methods.