.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _overriding-fluid-templates: ============================== Overriding the FLUID templates ============================== At :ref:`typoscript` we have described the way content elements are rendered. By default these settings are done in the file :file:`setup.txt` which can be found in the folder :file:`EXT:fluid_styled_content/Configuration/TypoScript/`. .. _overriding-fluid-templates-using-lib-fluidcontent: Using lib.contentElement ======================== This option gives you the possibility to add another `templateRootPath` and can be defined the same as `partialRootPaths` and `layoutRootPaths`: .. code-block:: typoscript lib.contentElement { templateRootPaths { 200 = EXT:your_extension_key/Resources/Private/Templates/ } partialRootPaths { 200 = EXT:your_extension_key/Resources/Private/Partials/ } layoutRootPaths { 200 = EXT:your_extension_key/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } } A content element is using a `templateName`, which is defined in :file:`setup.txt`. You can override this value, but the template from the extension "fluid_styled_content" will not be loaded then, since its name is still the default value. .. code-block:: typoscript tt_content { bullets { templateName = ChangedName } }