.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _content-element-textmedia: ============= Text & Images ============= .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/ContentOverview/TextMediaTypicalPageContent.rst.txt This content element allows you to combine text and images. Additionally there is also a content element for :guilabel:`Text & Media` where you can use videos or Audio. There are also separate content elements for :guilabel:`Text` or :guilabel:`Images` individually. These offer no advantage over the content element :guilabel:`Text & Images` except that some fields are missing and the backend form is less cluttered. The text can be entered in the rich text editor of the :guilabel:`General` tab. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/ContentElements/RteBackend.rst.txt The media elements can be added in the :guilabel:`Images` tab. In this tab there is also the option to turn the *enlarge on click* behaviour on for images. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/ContentElements/MediaBackend.rst.txt Multiple images and movies are combined as a gallery, which can be configured using the :guilabel:`Gallery Settings`. In some installations there are specific settings for width or height for each element, if a border should be shown around each element, the position of the gallery in relation to the text and the amount of columns which should be used for the gallery. The maximum width of the gallery can be different when the gallery is on top or bottom of the text, or inside the text. This can be set using the :ref:`constant-editor`.