.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _apireference: ============= API Reference ============= This chapter is a complete reference of the API of the form framework. It mainly addresses your concerns as a developer. .. _apireference-frontendrendering: Frontend rendering ================== .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Renderer\\FluidFormRenderer ----------------------------------------------------- .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer-options: Options ^^^^^^^ The ``FluidFormRenderer`` uses some rendering options which are of particular importance, as they determine how the form field is resolved to a path in the file system. All rendering options are retrieved from the ``FormDefinition``, using the ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormDefinition::getRenderingOptions()`` method. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer-options-templaterootpaths: templateRootPaths +++++++++++++++++ Used to define several paths for templates, which will be tried in reversed order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). The first folder where the desired template is found, is used. If the array keys are numeric, they are first sorted and then tried in reversed order. Within this paths, fluid will search for a file which is named like the ````. For example: templateRootPaths.10 = EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Templates/ $renderable->getType() == 'Form' Expected template file: EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Templates/Form.html Only the root element (``FormDefinition``) has to be a template file. All child form elements are partials. By default, the root element is called ``Form``. .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: Form: renderingOptions: templateRootPaths: 10: 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Templates/' .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer-options-layoutrootpaths: layoutRootPaths +++++++++++++++ Used to define several paths for layouts, which will be tried in reversed order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). The first folder where the desired layout is found, is used. If the array keys are numeric, they are first sorted and then tried in reversed order. .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: Form: renderingOptions: layoutRootPaths: 10: 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Layouts/' .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer-options-partialrootpaths: partialRootPaths ++++++++++++++++ Used to define several paths for partials, which will be tried in reversed order. The first folder where the desired partial is found, is used. The keys of the array define the order. Within this paths, fluid will search for a file which is named like the ````. For example: templateRootPaths.10 = EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/ $renderable->getType() == 'Text' Expected template file: EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/Text.html There is a setting available to set a custom partial name. Please read the section :ref:`templateName`. .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: Form: renderingOptions: partialRootPaths: 10: 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/' .. _apireference-frontendrendering-fluidformrenderer-options-templatename: templateName ++++++++++++ By default, the renderable type will be taken as the name for the partial. For example: partialRootPaths.10 = EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/ $renderable->getType() == 'Text' Expected partial file: EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/Text.html Set ``templateName`` to define a custom name which should be used instead. For example: $renderable->getTemplateName() == 'Text' $renderable->getType() = Foo Expected partial file: EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Partials/Text.html .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: Foo: renderingOptions: templateName: 'Text' .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper: "render" viewHelper ------------------- .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper-arguments: Arguments ^^^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper-factoryclass: factoryClass ++++++++++++ A class name of a ``FormFactory``. This factory is used to create the ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormDefinition`` which is the ``form definition`` Domain Model. If no ``factoryClass`` argument is passed, the factory supplied by EXT:form ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\ Domain\Factory\ArrayFormFactory`` is used. Another factory class is required if the form is to be generated programmatically. To do this you must implement your own ``FormFactory`` in which your own form is generated programmatically and passes this class name to the ViewHelper. This then renders the form. .. code-block:: html .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper-persistenceidentifier: persistenceIdentifier +++++++++++++++++++++ The ``form definition`` to be found under ``persistenceIdentifier``. The PersistenceManager now loads the ``form definition`` which is found under ``persistenceIdentifier`` and passes this configuration to the ``factoryClass``. In this case, the ``factoryClass`` will be given an empty configuration array (if ``overrideConfiguration`` is not specified). .. code-block:: html .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper-overrideconfiguration: overrideConfiguration +++++++++++++++++++++ A configuration to be superimposed can be entered here. If a ``persistenceIdentifier`` is specified, the ``form definition`` which is found under ``persistenceIdentifier`` is loaded. This configuration is then superimposed with ``overrideConfiguration``. This configuration is then passed to the ``factoryClass``. If no ``persistenceIdentifier`` is specified, ``overrideConfiguration`` is passed directly to the ``factoryClass``. This way a configuration can be given to a ``factoryClass`` implementation. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-renderviewHelper-prototypename: prototypeName +++++++++++++ The name of the prototype, on which basis the ``factoryClass`` should create the form. If nothing is specified, the configuration (``form definition`` or ``overrideConfiguration``) is searched for the prototype's name. If no specification exists, the standard prototype ``standard`` is used. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically: Build forms programmatically ---------------------------- Implement a ``FormFactory`` and build the form:: declare(strict_types = 1); namespace VENDOR\MySitePackage\Domain\Factory; use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator\NotEmptyValidator; use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator\StringLengthValidator; use TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Configuration\ConfigurationService; use TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Factory\AbstractFormFactory; use TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormDefinition; class CustomFormFactory extends AbstractFormFactory { /** * Build a FormDefinition. * This example build a FormDefinition manually, * so $configuration and $prototypeName are unused. * * @param array $configuration * @param string $prototypeName * @return FormDefinition */ public function build(array $configuration, string $prototypeName = null): FormDefinition { $prototypeName = 'standard'; $configurationService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(ConfigurationService::class); $prototypeConfiguration = $configurationService->getPrototypeConfiguration($prototypeName); $form = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(FormDefinition::class, 'MyCustomForm', $prototypeConfiguration); $form->setRenderingOption('controllerAction', 'index'); $page1 = $form->createPage('page1'); $name = $page1->createElement('name', 'Text'); $name->setLabel('Name'); $name->addValidator(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(NotEmptyValidator::class)); $page2 = $form->createPage('page2'); $message = $page2->createElement('message', 'Textarea'); $message->setLabel('Message'); $message->addValidator(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(StringLengthValidator::class, ['minimum' => 5, 'maximum' => 20])); // Creating a RadioButton/MultiCheckbox $page3 = $form->createPage('page3'); $radio = $page3->createElement('checkbox', 'RadioButton'); $radio->setProperty('options', ['value1' => 'Label1', 'value2' => 'Label2']); $radio->setLabel('My Radio ...'); $form->createFinisher('EmailToSender', [ 'subject' => 'Hello', 'recipientAddress' => 'foo@example.com', 'senderAddress' => 'bar@example.com', ]); $this->triggerFormBuildingFinished($form); return $form; } } Use this form within your fluid template. .. code-block:: html .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods: Common API Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-createpage: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormDefinition::createPage() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a page with the given $identifier and attach this page to the form. - Create Page object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Page object - attach Page object to this form - return the newly created Page object Signature:: public function createPage(string $identifier, string $typeName = 'Page'): Page; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-createfinisher: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormDefinition::createFinisher() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a finisher with the given $identifier and given $options and attach this finisher to the form. Signature:: public function createFinisher(string $finisherIdentifier, array $options = []): FinisherInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-page-createelement: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\Page::createElement() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a form element with the given $identifier and attach it to the page. - Create Form Element object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Form Element (based on the parent form's field defaults) - attach Form Element to the Page - return the newly created Form Element object Signature:: public function createElement(string $identifier, string $typeName): FormElementInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-section-createelement: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\Section::createElement() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a form element with the given $identifier and attach it to the section. - Create Form Element object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Form Element (based on the parent form's field defaults) - attach Form Element to the Section - return the newly created Form Element object Signature:: public function createElement(string $identifier, string $typeName): FormElementInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-abstractrenderable-createvalidator: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\Renderable\\AbstractFormElement::createValidator() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a validator for the element. Mainly possible for - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\AdvancedPassword - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\GenericFormElement - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\DatePicker - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\FileUpload Signature:: public function createValidator(string $validatorIdentifier, array $options = []); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-commonapimethods-initializeformelement: initializeFormElement() +++++++++++++++++++++++ Will be called as soon as the element is added to a form. Possible for - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\Section - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\AdvancedPassword - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\GenericFormElement - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\DatePicker - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\FileUpload Signature:: public function initializeFormElement(); You can use this method to prefill form element data for example from database tables. All the classes you can see above extends from the ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElement\AbstractFormElement``. ``AbstractFormElement`` implements this method like this:: public function initializeFormElement() { if ( isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement']) ) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement'] as $className) { $hookObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance($className); if (method_exists($hookObj, 'initializeFormElement')) { $hookObj->initializeFormElement( $this ); } } } } If you extend you custom implementation from ``AbstractFormElement`` (and you should do this), it enables you to override the 'initializeFormElement' method within your custom implementation class. If you do not call the parents 'initializeFormElement' then no hook will be thrown. If your use case for a custom form element implementation means that you only want to initialize you form element programmatically (e.g to get databasedata) and no other special things are to do, you might prefer the hook. You only need a class which connects to this hook. Then detect the form element you wish to initialize. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods: Further API Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormRuntime ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-overridecurrentpage: overrideCurrentPage() ''''''''''''''''''''' Override the current page taken from the request, rendering the page with index $pageIndex instead. This is typically not needed in production code. You might prefer the hook :ref:`afterInitializeCurrentPage ` Signature:: public function overrideCurrentPage(int $pageIndex); Example:: $form = $formDefinition->bind($this->request, $this->response); $form->overrideCurrentPage($pageIndex); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-render: render() '''''''' Render the form. Signature:: public function render(); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getidentifier: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getrequest: getRequest() '''''''''''' Get the request this object is bound to. This is mostly relevant inside Finishers, where you f.e. want to redirect the user to another page. Signature:: public function getRequest(): Request; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getresponse: getResponse() ''''''''''''' Get the response this object is bound to. This is mostly relevant inside Finishers, where you f.e. want to set response headers or output content. Signature:: public function getResponse(): Response; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getcurrentpage: getCurrentPage() '''''''''''''''' Returns the currently selected page. Signature:: public function getCurrentPage(): Page; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getpreviouspage: getPreviousPage() ''''''''''''''''' Returns the previous page of the currently selected one or NULL if there is no previous page. Signature:: public function getPreviousPage(); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getnextpage: getNextPage() ''''''''''''' Returns the next page of the currently selected one or NULL if there is no next page. Signature:: public function getNextPage(); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-gettype: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getelementvalue: getElementValue() ''''''''''''''''' Returns the value of the specified element. Signature:: public function getElementValue(string $identifier); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getpages: getPages() '''''''''' Return the form's pages in the correct order. Signature:: public function getPages(): array; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getrenderingoptions: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRenderingOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getrendererclassname: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRendererClassName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getlabel: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-gettemplatename: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getTemplateName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formruntime-getformdefinition: getFormDefinition() ''''''''''''''''''' Get the underlying form definition from the runtime. Signature:: public function getFormDefinition(): FormDefinition; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormDefinition +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-addpage: addPage() ''''''''' Add a new page at the end of the form. Instead of this method, you should use ``createPage`` instead. Signature:: public function addPage(Page $page); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-createpage: createPage() '''''''''''' Create a page with the given $identifier and attach this page to the form. - Create Page object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Page object - attach Page object to this form - return the newly created Page object Signature:: public function createPage(string $identifier, string $typeName = 'Page'): Page; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getpages: getPages() '''''''''' Return the form's pages in the correct order. Signature:: public function getPages(): array; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-haspagewithindex: hasPageWithIndex() '''''''''''''''''' Check whether a page with the given $index exists. Signature:: public function hasPageWithIndex(int $index): bool; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getpagebyindex: getPageByIndex() '''''''''''''''' Get the page with the passed index. The first page has index zero. If page at $index does not exist, an exception is thrown. Signature:: public function getPageByIndex(int $index); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-addfinisher: addFinisher() ''''''''''''' Adds the specified finisher to the form. Instead of this method, you should use ``createFinisher`` instead. Signature:: public function addFinisher(FinisherInterface $finisher); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-createfinisher: createFinisher() '''''''''''''''' Create a finisher with the given $identifier and given $options and attach this finisher to the form. Signature:: public function createFinisher(string $finisherIdentifier, array $options = []): FinisherInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getfinishers: getFinishers() '''''''''''''' Gets all finishers of the form. Signature:: public function getFinishers(): array; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getelementbyidentifier: getElementByIdentifier() '''''''''''''''''''''''' Get a form element by its identifier. If identifier does not exist, returns NULL. Signature:: public function getElementByIdentifier(string $elementIdentifier); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-movepageafter: movePageAfter() ''''''''''''''' Move $pageToMove after $referencePage. Signature:: public function movePageAfter(Page $pageToMove, Page $referencePage); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-removepage: removePage() '''''''''''' Remove $pageToRemove from the form. Signature:: public function removePage(Page $pageToRemove); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-bind: bind() '''''' Bind the current request and response to this form instance, effectively creating a new "instance" of the Form. Signature:: public function bind(Request $request, Response $response): FormRuntime; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getprocessingrule: getProcessingRule() ''''''''''''''''''' Get the processing rule which contains information for property mappings and validations. Signature:: public function getProcessingRule(string $propertyPath): ProcessingRule; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-gettype: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getidentifier: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setidentifier: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setoptions: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-addvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/addValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setdatatype: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setDataType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getrendererclassname: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRendererClassName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setrendererclassname: setRendererClassName() '''''''''''''''''''''' Set the renderer class name. Signature:: public function setRendererClassName(string $rendererClassName); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getrenderingoptions: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRenderingOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setrenderingoption: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setRenderingOption.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/setParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getrootform: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/getRootForm.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-getlabel: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-setlabel: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formdefinition-gettemplatename: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getTemplateName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\Page +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getelements: .. include:: AbstractSection/getElements.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getelementsrecursively: .. include:: AbstractSection/getElementsRecursively.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-addelement: .. include:: AbstractSection/addElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-createelement: createElement() ''''''''''''''' Create a form element with the given $identifier and attach it to the page. - Create Form Element object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Form Element (based on the parent form's field defaults) - attach Form Element to the Page - return the newly created Form Element object Signature:: public function createElement(string $identifier, string $typeName): FormElementInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-moveelementbefore: .. include:: AbstractSection/moveElementBefore.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-moveelementafter: .. include:: AbstractSection/moveElementAfter.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-removeelement: .. include:: AbstractSection/removeElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-gettype: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getidentifier: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setidentifier: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setoptions: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-addvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/addValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-createvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/createValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setdatatype: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setDataType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getrendererclassname: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRendererClassName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getrenderingoptions: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRenderingOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setrenderingoption: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setRenderingOption.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/setParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getrootform: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/getRootForm.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-getlabel: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-setlabel: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-page-gettemplatename: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getTemplateName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\Section ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-initializeformelement: .. include:: FormElementInterface/initializeFormElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getuniqueidentifier: .. include:: FormElementInterface/getUniqueIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setproperty: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setProperty.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getproperties: .. include:: FormElementInterface/getProperties.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-isrequired: .. include:: FormElementInterface/isRequired.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getelements: .. include:: AbstractSection/getElements.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getelementsrecursively: .. include:: AbstractSection/getElementsRecursively.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-addelement: .. include:: AbstractSection/addElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-createelement: createElement() ''''''''''''''' Create a form element with the given $identifier and attach it to the section. - Create Form Element object based on the given $typeName - set defaults inside the Form Element (based on the parent form's field defaults) - attach Form Element to the Section - return the newly created Form Element object Signature:: public function createElement(string $identifier, string $typeName): FormElementInterface; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-moveelementbefore: .. include:: AbstractSection/moveElementBefore.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-moveelementafter: .. include:: AbstractSection/moveElementAfter.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-removeelement: .. include:: AbstractSection/removeElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-gettype: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getidentifier: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setidentifier: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setoptions: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-addvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/addValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-createvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/createValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setdatatype: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setDataType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getrendererclassname: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRendererClassName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getrenderingoptions: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRenderingOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setrenderingoption: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setRenderingOption.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/setParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getrootform: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/getRootForm.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-getlabel: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-setlabel: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-section-gettemplatename: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getTemplateName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\AbstractFormElement ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following classes extends from ``AbstractFormElement`` and therefore contain the following API methods. - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\AdvancedPassword - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\GenericFormElement - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\DatePicker - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Model\\FormElements\\FileUpload .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-initializeformelement: .. include:: FormElementInterface/initializeFormElement.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getuniqueidentifier: .. include:: FormElementInterface/getUniqueIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getdefaultvalue: .. include:: FormElementInterface/getDefaultValue.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setdefaultvalue: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setDefaultValue.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setproperty: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setProperty.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getproperties: .. include:: FormElementInterface/getProperties.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-isrequired: .. include:: FormElementInterface/isRequired.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-gettype: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getidentifier: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setidentifier: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setIdentifier.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setoptions: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-addvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/addValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-createvalidator: .. include:: FormElementInterface/createValidator.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setdatatype: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setDataType.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getrendererclassname: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRendererClassName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getrenderingoptions: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getRenderingOptions.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setrenderingoption: .. include:: FormElementInterface/setRenderingOption.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setparentrenderable: .. include:: RenderableInterface/setParentRenderable.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getrootform: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/getRootForm.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-getlabel: .. include:: RootRenderableInterface/getLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-setlabel: .. include:: AbstractRenderable/setLabel.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformelement-gettemplatename: .. include:: RenderableInterface/getTemplateName.rst .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractfinisher: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\AbstractFinisher +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following classes extends from ``AbstractFinisher`` and therefore contain the following API methods. - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\ClosureFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\ConfirmationFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\DeleteUploadsFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\EmailFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\FlashMessageFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\RedirectFinisher - TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\SaveToDatabaseFinisher .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractfinisher-execute: execute() ''''''''' Executes the finisher. ``AbstractFinisher::execute()`` call ``$this->executeInternal()`` at the end. Own finisher implementations which extends from ``AbstractFinisher:`` must start their own logic within ``executeInternal()``. Signature:: public function execute(FinisherContext $finisherContext); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractfinisher-setoptions: setOptions() '''''''''''' Set the finisher options. Instead of directly accessing them, you should rather use ``parseOption()``. Signature:: public function setOptions(array $options); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractfinisher-setoption: setOption() ''''''''''' Sets a single finisher option. Signature:: public function setOption(string $optionName, $optionValue); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractfinisher-parseoption: parseOption() ''''''''''''' Please read :ref:`Accessing finisher options` Signature:: protected function parseOption(string $optionName); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\FinisherContext ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext-cancel: cancel() '''''''' Cancels the finisher invocation after the current finisher. Signature:: public function cancel(); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext-getformruntime: getFormRuntime() '''''''''''''''' The Form Runtime that is associated with the current finisher. Signature:: public function getFormRuntime(): FormRuntime; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext-getformvalues: getFormValues() ''''''''''''''' The values of the submitted form (after validation and property mapping). Signature:: public function getFormValues(): array; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext-getcontrollercontext: getControllerContext() '''''''''''''''''''''' Returns the current ControllerContext. Signature:: public function getControllerContext(): ControllerContext; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishercontext-getfinishervariableprovider: getFinisherVariableProvider() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Returns the current FinisherVariableProvider. Signature:: public function getFinisherVariableProvider(): FinisherVariableProvider; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishervariableprovider: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Finishers\\FinisherVariableProvider +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please read :ref:`Share data between finishers` .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishervariableprovider-add: add() ''''' Add a variable to the finisher variable provider. In case the value is already inside, it is silently overridden. Signature:: public function add(string $finisherIdentifier, string $key, $value); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishervariableprovider-get: get() ''''' Gets a variable from the finisher variable provider. Signature:: public function get(string $finisherIdentifier, string $key, $default = null); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishervariableprovider-exists: exists() '''''''' Determine whether there is a variable stored for the given key. Signature:: public function exists($finisherIdentifier, $key): bool; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-finishervariableprovider-remove: remove() '''''''' Remove a value from the finisher variable provider. Signature:: public function remove(string $finisherIdentifier, string $key); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-configurationservice: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Configuration\\ConfigurationService +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-configurationservice-getprototypeconfiguration: getPrototypeConfiguration() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Get the configuration for a given $prototypeName Signature:: public function getPrototypeConfiguration(string $prototypeName): array; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformfactory: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Factory\\AbstractFormFactory ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-abstractformfactory-triggerformbuildingfinished: triggerFormBuildingFinished() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Helper to be called by every ``FormFactory`` which extends from ``AbstractFormFactory`` after everything has been built to call the "afterBuildingFinished" hook on all form elements. Signature:: protected function triggerFormBuildingFinished(FormDefinition $form); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formfactoryinterface: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Factory\\FormFactoryInterface +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-formfactoryinterface-build: build() ''''''' Build a form definition, depending on some configuration. Signature:: public function build(array $configuration, string $prototypeName = null): FormDefinition; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-rendererinterface: TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Renderer\\RendererInterface +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-rendererinterface-setcontrollercontext: setControllerContext() '''''''''''''''''''''' Set the controller context which should be used:: public function setControllerContext(ControllerContext $controllerContext); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-rendererinterface-render: render() '''''''' Renders the FormDefinition. This method is expected to call the ``beforeRendering`` hook on each form element:: public function render(): string; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-rendererinterface-setformruntime: setFormRuntime() '''''''''''''''' Set the current ``FormRuntime``:: public function setFormRuntime(FormRuntime $formRuntime); .. _apireference-frontendrendering-programmatically-apimethods-rendererinterface-getformruntime: getFormRuntime() '''''''''''''''' Get the current ``FormRuntime``:: public function getFormRuntime(): FormRuntime; .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation: Runtime manipulation -------------------- .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks: Hooks ^^^^^ .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-initializeformelement: initializeFormElement +++++++++++++++++++++ You can connect to this hook and initialize a form element without defining a custom implementaion to access the element's ``initializeFormElement`` method. You only need a class which connects to this hook. Then detect the form element you wish to initialize. For example, you can use this hook to prefill form element data from database tables. Note that this hook will be called **after** all properties from the prototype configuration are set in the form element but **before** the properties from the form definition are set in the form element. If you want to prefill form element data after the complete form element is configured you should use the :ref:`afterBuildingFinished` hook. The initializeFormElement hook is invoked by the methods ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Page::createElement()`` and ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Section::createElement()``. That means the hook will **not** be triggered for ``Pages``. At this point you do not have access to submitted form element values. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-initializeformelement-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-initializeformelement-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable * @return void */ public function initializeFormElement(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable) { if ($renderable->getUniqueIdentifier() === 'contactForm-text-1') { $renderable->setDefaultValue('foo'); } } .. _useATimestampAsKeyPlease: What does mean? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Timestamps are recommended for hooks such as those of the form framework, as seen in the following example:: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; Leaving the section ```` as is is not recommended. It does nothing except cause the extension to fail and an error message to be delivered. Nor should it be replaced with a function like time(), as the key should be unalterable. Instead, replace this section with the current UNIX timestamp the moment you are implementing the hook. Check out the following example:: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement'][1507018413] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; The purpose of timestamps is to prevent conflicts that arise when two or more extensions within one TYPO3 installation use identical keys (e.g. ``$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement']['foo'])``. When timestamps are used, even a one-second difference in the time different hooks were connected ensures that one hook does not override the other. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforeremovefromparentrenderable: beforeRemoveFromParentRenderable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This hook is invoked by the methods ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormDefinition::removePage()``, ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Page::removeElement()`` and ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\FormElements\Section::removeElement()`` .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforeremovefromparentrenderable-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeRemoveFromParentRenderable'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforeremovefromparentrenderable-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable * @return void */ public function beforeRemoveFromParentRenderable(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable) { } .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterbuildingfinished: afterBuildingFinished +++++++++++++++++++++ This hook is called for each form element after the class ``TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Factory\ArrayFormFactory`` has built the entire form. This hook is triggered just before the ``FormRuntime`` object is generated. At this point, no run-time information (e.g. assigned form values) is yet available. It can, for example, be used to generate new form elements within complex forms. The ``ArrayFormFactory`` is used by EXT:form via the ``RenderViewHelper`` to render forms using a ``form definition`` YAML file. Each form factory implementation must deal with the calling of this hook themselves. EXT:form itself uses this hook to initialize the property-mapper configuration for ``FileUpload`` elements. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterbuildingfinished-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['afterBuildingFinished'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterbuildingfinished-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable * @return void */ public function afterBuildingFinished(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable) { } .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterinitializecurrentpage: afterInitializeCurrentPage ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form automatically detects the page that should be shown and allow users only to jump to the directly following (or previous) pages. This hook enables you to implement a custom behavior, for example pages that are shown only when other form elements have specific values. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterinitializecurrentpage-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['afterInitializeCurrentPage'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-afterinitializecurrentpage-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime * @param null|\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage * @param null|\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage * @param mixed $elementValue submitted value of the element *before post processing* * @return null|\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface */ public function afterInitializeCurrentPage(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $currentPage = null, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface $lastPage = null, array $requestArguments = []): ?\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\CompositeRenderableInterface { return $currentPage; } .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-aftersubmit: afterSubmit +++++++++++ You can use it for example for dynamic validations which depends on other submitted form element values. This hook is invoked by the ``FormRuntime`` for each form element **before** values are property mapped, validated and pushed within the FormRuntime's ``FormState``. If the first page is submitted at the first time you cannot access the form element values from the first page by just calling ``$formRuntime['']`` to access the submitted form element values from the first page. In this case you can access the submitted raw data through ``$requestArguments``. EXT:form itself uses this hook to dynamically add validation errors for ``AdvancedPassword`` form elements. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-aftersubmit-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['afterSubmit'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-aftersubmit-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable * @param mixed $elementValue submitted value of the element *before post processing* * @param array $requestArguments submitted raw request values * @return void */ public function afterSubmit(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RenderableInterface $renderable, $elementValue, array $requestArguments = []) { return $elementValue; } .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforerendering: beforeRendering +++++++++++++++ This is a hook that is invoked by the rendering system before the corresponding element is rendered. Use this to access previously submitted values and/or modify the ``FormRuntime`` before an element is outputted to the browser. This hook is called after all validations and property mappings are done. .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforerendering-connect: Connect to the hook ''''''''''''''''''' :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeRendering'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-frontendrendering-runtimemanipulation-hooks-beforerendering-use: Use the hook '''''''''''' :: /** * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RootRenderableInterface $renderable * @return void */ public function beforeRendering(\TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Runtime\FormRuntime $formRuntime, \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Model\Renderable\RootRenderableInterface $renderable) { } .. _apireference-finisheroptions: Finisher Options ================ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-closurefinisher: Closure finisher ---------------- This finisher can only be used in programmatically-created forms. It makes it possible to execute one's own finisher code without having to implement/ declare this finisher. Usage through code:: $closureFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(ClosureFinisher::class); $closureFinisher->setOption('closure', function($finisherContext) { $formRuntime = $finisherContext->getFormRuntime(); // ... }); $formDefinition->addFinisher($closureFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-closurefinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-closurefinisher-options-closure: closure +++++++ :aspect:`Data type` \Closure :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` null .. _apireference-finisheroptions-confirmationfinisher: Confirmation finisher --------------------- A simple finisher that outputs a given text. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: Confirmation options: message: 'Thx for using TYPO3' ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('Confirmation', [ 'message' => 'foo', ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $confirmationFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(ConfirmationFinisher::class); $confirmationFinisher->setOptions([ 'message' => 'foo', ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($confirmationFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-confirmationfinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-confirmationfinisher-options-message: message +++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` The form has been submitted. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-deleteuploadsfinisher: DeleteUploads finisher ---------------------- This finisher remove the currently submited files. Use this finisher e.g after the email finisher if you don't want to keep the files online. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: DeleteUploads ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('DeleteUploads'); or create manually (not preferred):: $deleteUploadsFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(DeleteUploadsFinisher::class); $formDefinition->addFinisher($deleteUploadsFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher: Email finisher -------------- This finisher sends an email to one recipient. EXT:form uses 2 EmailFinisher declarations with the identifiers ``EmailToReceiver`` and ``EmailToSender``. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: subject: 'Your message' recipientAddress: your.company@example.com recipientName: 'Your Company name' senderAddress: 'form@example.com' senderName: 'form submitter' ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('EmailToReceiver', [ 'subject' => 'Your message', 'recipientAddress' => 'your.company@example.com', 'recipientName' => 'Your Company name', 'senderAddress' => 'form@example.com', 'senderName' => 'form submitter', ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $emailFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(EmailFinisher::class); $emailFinisher->setOptions([ 'subject' => 'Your message', 'recipientAddress' => 'your.company@example.com', 'recipientName' => 'Your Company name', 'senderAddress' => 'form@example.com', 'senderName' => 'form submitter', ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($emailFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-subject: subject +++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Subject of the email .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-recipientaddress: recipientAddress ++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Email address of the recipient (To) .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-recipientname: recipientName +++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty string :aspect:`Description` Human-readable name of the recipient .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-senderaddress: senderAddress +++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Email address of the sender/ visitor (From) .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-sendername: senderName ++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty string :aspect:`Description` Human-readable name of the sender .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-replytoaddress: replyToAddress ++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string/ array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Email address of to be used as reply-to email (use multiple addresses with an array) .. note:: For the moment, the ``form editor`` cannot deal with multiple reply-to addresses (use multiple addresses with an array) .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-carboncopyaddress: carbonCopyAddress +++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string/ array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Email address of the copy recipient (use multiple addresses with an array) .. note:: For the moment, the ``form editor`` cannot deal with multiple copy recipient addresses (use multiple addresses with an array) .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-blindcarboncopyaddress: blindCarbonCopyAddress ++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string/ array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Email address of the blind copy recipient (use multiple addresses with an array) .. note:: For the moment, the ``form editor`` cannot deal with multiple blind copy recipient addresses (use multiple addresses with an array) .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-format: format ++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` html :aspect:`possible values` html/ plaintext :aspect:`Description` The format of the email. By default mails are sent as HTML. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-attachuploads: attachUploads +++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` bool :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` true :aspect:`Description` If set, all uploaded items are attached to the email. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-translation-translationfiles: translation.translationFiles ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string/ array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` If set, this translation file(s) will be used for finisher option translations. If not set, the translation file(s) from the 'Form' element will be used. Read :ref:`Translate finisher options` for more informations. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-translation-language: translation.language ++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` If not set, the finisher options are translated depending on the current frontend language (if translations exists). This option allows you to force translations for a given sys_language isocode, e.g 'dk' or 'de'. Read :ref:`Translate finisher options` for more informations. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-templatepathandfilename: templatePathAndFilename +++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Frontend/Templates/Finishers/Email/{@format}.html' :aspect:`Description` Template path and filename for the mail body. The placeholder {\@format} will be replaced with the value from option ``format`` The template gets the current :php:`FormRuntime` assigned as :code:`form` and the :php:`FinisherVariableProvider` assigned as :code:`finisherVariableProvider`. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-layoutrootpaths: layoutRootPaths +++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Fluid layout paths .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-partialrootpaths: partialRootPaths ++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Fluid partial paths .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-templaterootpaths: templateRootPaths +++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` Fluid template paths; all templates get the current :php:`FormRuntime` assigned as :code:`form` and the :php:`FinisherVariableProvider` assigned as :code:`finisherVariableProvider`. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-emailfinisher-options-variables: variables +++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value (for 'EmailToReceiver' and 'EmailToSender' declarations)` undefined :aspect:`Description` associative array of variables which are available inside the Fluid template .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher: FlashMessage finisher --------------------- A simple finisher that adds a message to the FlashMessageContainer. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: FlashMessage options: messageTitle: 'Merci' messageCode: 201905041245 messageBody: 'Thx for using %s' messageArguments: - 'TYPO3' severity: 0 ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('FlashMessage', [ 'messageTitle' => 'Merci', 'messageCode' => 201905041245, 'messageBody' => 'Thx for using %s', 'messageArguments' => ['TYPO3'], 'severity' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::OK, ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $flashMessageFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(FlashMessageFinisher::class); $flashMessageFinisher->setOptions([ 'messageTitle' => 'Merci', 'messageCode' => 201905041245, 'messageBody' => 'Thx for using %s', 'messageArguments' => ['TYPO3'], 'severity' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::OK, ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($flashMessageFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options-messagebody: messageBody +++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Description` The flash message body .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options-messagetitle: messageTitle ++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty string :aspect:`Description` The flash message title, if needed .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options-messagearguments: messageArguments ++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty array :aspect:`Description` The flash message arguments, if needed .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options-messagecode: messageCode +++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` int :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Description` The flash message code .. _apireference-finisheroptions-flashmessagefinisher-options-severity: severity ++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` int :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::OK (0) :aspect:`Description` The flash message severity code. See \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage constants for the codes. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher: Redirect finisher ----------------- A simple finisher that redirects to another page. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: Redirect options: pageUid: 1 additionalParameters: 'param1=value1¶m2=value2' ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('Redirect', [ 'pageUid' => 1, 'additionalParameters' => 'param1=value1¶m2=value2', ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $redirectFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(RedirectFinisher::class); $redirectFinisher->setOptions([ 'pageUid' => 1, 'additionalParameters' => 'param1=value1¶m2=value2', ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($redirectFinisher); .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher-options-pageuid: pageUid +++++++ :aspect:`Data type` int :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` 1 :aspect:`Description` Redirect to this page uid .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher-options-additionalparameters: additionalParameters ++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty string :aspect:`Description` Additional parameters which should be used on the target page .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher-options-delay: delay +++++ :aspect:`Data type` int :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` 0 :aspect:`Description` The redirect delay in seconds. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-redirectfinisher-options-statuscode: statusCode ++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` int :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` 303 :aspect:`Description` The HTTP status code for the redirect. Default is "303 See Other". .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher: SaveToDatabase finisher ----------------------- This finisher saves the data from a submitted form into a database table. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: SaveToDatabase options: table: 'fe_users' mode: update whereClause: uid: 1 databaseColumnMappings: tstamp: value: '{__currentTimestamp}' pid: value: 1 elements: textfield-identifier-1: mapOnDatabaseColumn: 'first_name' textfield-identifier-2: mapOnDatabaseColumn: 'last_name' textfield-identifier-3: mapOnDatabaseColumn: 'username' advancedpassword-1: mapOnDatabaseColumn: 'password' skipIfValueIsEmpty: true ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('SaveToDatabase', [ 'table' => 'fe_users', 'mode' => 'update', 'whereClause' => [ 'uid' => 1, ], 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'pid' => ['value' => 1], ], 'elements' => [ 'textfield-identifier-1' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'first_name'], 'textfield-identifier-2' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'last_name'], 'textfield-identifier-3' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'username'], 'advancedpassword-1' => [ 'mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'password', 'skipIfValueIsEmpty' => true, ], ], ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $saveToDatabaseFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(SaveToDatabaseFinisher::class); $saveToDatabaseFinisher->setOptions([ 'table' => 'fe_users', 'mode' => 'update', 'whereClause' => [ 'uid' => 1, ], 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'pid' => ['value' => 1], ], 'elements' => [ 'textfield-identifier-1' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'first_name'], 'textfield-identifier-2' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'last_name'], 'textfield-identifier-3' => ['mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'username'], 'advancedpassword-1' => [ 'mapOnDatabaseColumn' => 'password', 'skipIfValueIsEmpty' => true, ], ], ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($saveToDatabaseFinisher); You can write options as an array to perform multiple database operations. Usage within form definition .. code-block:: yaml identifier: example-form label: 'example' type: Form finishers: - identifier: SaveToDatabase options: 1: table: 'my_table' mode: insert databaseColumnMappings: some_column: value: 'cool' 2: table: 'my_other_table' mode: update whereClause: pid: 1 databaseColumnMappings: some_other_column: value: '{SaveToDatabase.insertedUids.1}' ... Usage through code:: $formDefinition->createFinisher('SaveToDatabase', [ 1 => [ 'table' => 'my_table', 'mode' => 'insert', 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'some_column' => ['value' => 'cool'], ], ], 2 => [ 'table' => 'my_other_table', 'mode' => 'update', 'whereClause' => [ 'pid' => 1, ], 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'some_other_column' => ['value' => '{SaveToDatabase.insertedUids.1}'], ], ], ]); or create manually (not preferred):: $saveToDatabaseFinisher = $this->objectManager->get(SaveToDatabaseFinisher::class); $saveToDatabaseFinisher->setOptions([ 1 => [ 'table' => 'my_table', 'mode' => 'insert', 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'some_column' => ['value' => 'cool'], ], ], 2 => [ 'table' => 'my_other_table', 'mode' => 'update', 'whereClause' => [ 'pid' => 1, ], 'databaseColumnMappings' => [ 'some_other_column' => ['value' => '{SaveToDatabase.insertedUids.1}'], ], ], ]); $formDefinition->addFinisher($saveToDatabaseFinisher); This performs 2 database operations. One insert and one update. You can access the inserted uids through '{SaveToDatabase.insertedUids.}' If you perform a insert operation, the value of the inserted database row will be stored within the FinisherVariableProvider. references to the numeric options.* key. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options: Options ^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-table: table +++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` null :aspect:`Description` Insert or update values into this table. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-mode: mode ++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` 'insert' :aspect:`Possible values` insert/ update :aspect:`Description` ``insert`` will create a new database row with the values from the submitted form and/or some predefined values. @see options.elements and options.databaseFieldMappings ``update`` will update a given database row with the values from the submitted form and/or some predefined values. 'options.whereClause' is then required. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-whereclause: whereClause +++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes, if mode = update :aspect:`Default value` empty array :aspect:`Description` This where clause will be used for a database update action .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-elements: elements ++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` empty array :aspect:`Description` Use ``options.elements`` to map form element values to existing database columns. Each key within ``options.elements`` has to match with a form element identifier. The value for each key within ``options.elements`` is an array with additional informations. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-elements--mapondatabasecolumn: elements..mapOnDatabaseColumn ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` undefined :aspect:`Description` The value from the submitted form element with the identifier ```` will be written into this database column. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-elements--skipifvalueisempty: elements..skipIfValueIsEmpty +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` bool :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` false :aspect:`Description` Set this to true if the database column should not be written if the value from the submitted form element with the identifier ```` is empty (think about password fields etc.). Empty means strings without content, whitespace is valid content. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-elements--savefileidentifierinsteadofuid: elements..saveFileIdentifierInsteadOfUid +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` bool :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` false :aspect:`Description` Set this to true if the database column should not be written if the value from the submitted form element with the identifier ```` is empty (think about password fields etc.). This setting only rules for form elements which creates a FAL object like ``FileUpload`` or ``ImageUpload``. By default, the uid of the FAL object will be written into the database column. Set this to true if you want to store the FAL identifier (1:/user_uploads/some_uploaded_pic.jpg) instead. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-elements--dateformat: elements..dateFormat +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` 'U' :aspect:`Description` If the internal datatype is :php:`\DateTime` which is true for the form element types :yaml:`DatePicker` and :yaml:`Date`, the object needs to be converted into a string value. This option allows you to define the format of the date in case of such a conversion. You can use every format accepted by the PHP :php:`date()` function (https://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php#refsect1-function.date-parameters). The default value is "U" which leads to a Unix timestamp. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-databasecolumnmappings: databaseColumnMappings ++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` array :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` empty array :aspect:`Description` Use this to map database columns to static values. Each key within ``options.databaseColumnMappings`` has to match with an existing database column. The value for each key within ``options.databaseColumnMappings`` is an array with additional informations. This mapping is done *before* the ``options.element`` mapping. This means if you map a database column to a value through ``options.databaseColumnMappings`` and map a submitted form element value to the same database column through ``options.element``, the submitted form element value will override the value you set within ``options.databaseColumnMappings``. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-databasecolumnmappings..value: databaseColumnMappings..value +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` string :aspect:`Mandatory` Yes :aspect:`Default value` undefined :aspect:`Description` The value which will be written to the database column. You can also use the :ref:`FormRuntime accessor feature` to access every getable property from the ``FormRuntime`` In short: use something like ``{}`` to get the value from the submitted form element with the identifier ````. If you use the FormRuntime accessor feature within ``options.databaseColumnMappings``, the functionality is nearly identical to the ``options.elements`` configuration variant. .. _apireference-finisheroptions-savetodatabasefinisher-options-databasecolumnmappings..skipifvalueisempty: databaseColumnMappings..skipIfValueIsEmpty ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :aspect:`Data type` bool :aspect:`Mandatory` No :aspect:`Default value` false :aspect:`Description` Set this to true if the database column should not be written if the value from ``options.databaseColumnMappings..value`` is empty. .. _apireference-formeditor: Form editor =========== .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks: Hooks ----- EXT:form implements various hooks so that forms can be manipulated while being created or saved. .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformcreate: beforeFormCreate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The form manager calls the 'beforeFormCreate' hook. .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformcreate-connect: Connect to the hook +++++++++++++++++++ :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeFormCreate'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformcreate-use: Use the hook ++++++++++++ :: /** * @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier * @param array $formDefinition * @return array */ public function beforeFormCreate(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array { return $formDefinition; } .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformduplicate: beforeFormDuplicate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The form manager call the 'beforeFormDuplicate' hook. .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformduplicate-connect: Connect to the hook +++++++++++++++++++ :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeFormDuplicate'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformduplicate-use: Use the hook ++++++++++++ :: /** * @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier * @param array $formDefinition * @return array */ public function beforeFormDuplicate(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array { return $formDefinition; } .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformdelete: beforeFormDelete ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The form manager call the 'beforeFormDelete' hook. .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformdelete-connect: Connect to the hook +++++++++++++++++++ :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeFormDelete'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformdelete-use: Use the hook ++++++++++++ :: /** * @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier * @return void */ public function beforeFormDelete(string $formPersistenceIdentifier) { } .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformsave: beforeFormSave ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The form editor call the 'beforeFormSave' hook. .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformsave-connect: Connect to the hook +++++++++++++++++++ :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['beforeFormSave'][] = \VENDOR\YourNamespace\YourClass::class; .. note:: Wondering what :ref:`useATimestampAsKeyPlease` means? .. _apireference-formeditor-hooks-beforeformsave-use: Use the hook ++++++++++++ :: /** * @param string $formPersistenceIdentifier * @param array $formDefinition * @return array */ public function beforeFormSave(string $formPersistenceIdentifier, array $formDefinition): array { return $formDefinition; } .. _apireference-formeditor-stage: Stage ----- .. _apireference-formeditor-stage-commonabstractformelementtemplates: Common abstract view form element templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The basic idea of the ``abstract view`` is to give a quick overview of the configuration of form elements, without having to click them in order to view the detailed configuration in the ``Inspector``. The ``form editor`` requires for each form element an inline HTML template and the corresponding JavaScript code. Information matching inline HTML templates to the appropriate form elements must be configured within :ref:`TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.\.formeditor.formEditorPartials .formeditor.formeditorpartials>`. At this point, the key identifying the form element follows a convention: ``FormElement-``. The value for the key tells the ``form editor`` which inline HTML template should be loaded for the respective form element. This template is then cloned via JavaScript, brought to life using the form element configuration and shown in the ``Stage`` component. You can read about how particular form elements are mapped to inline HTML templates and how the corresponding JavaScript code are executed :ref:`here `. The form element inline HTML templates and the corresponding JavaScript code are configured for reuse. In this way, most form elements you create should be able to access the components delivered in EXT:form, without requiring separate implementations (at least we hope so). For your own implementations, study EXT:form stage templates, which is found under ``Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/FormEditor/Stage/*``. The corresponding JavaScript code is found under ``Resources/Public/JavaScript/Backend/FormEditor/StageComponent.js``. The method ``_renderTemplateDispatcher()`` shows, which methods will be used to render the respective form elements. Essentially, two different inline HTML templates exists that can be rendered with two different JavaScript methods, which are described below. The other inline HTML templates are almost all versions of these two basic variants and show extra/ other form-element information. The same applies to the corresponding JavaScript codes. .. _apireference-formeditor-stage-commonabstractformelementtemplates-simpletemplate: Stage/SimpleTemplate ++++++++++++++++++++ This template displays the ``label`` property of the form element. Depending on the JavaScript rendering method used, a validator icon will be shown on the right as soon as a validator is added to the form element. In this case, the used validator labels are likewise displayed, if the form element is selected and/ or the cursor hovers over the form element. This template should generally be enough for all possible, self-defined form elements. The ``Stage/SimpleTemplate`` can then :ref:`be rendered ` with the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSimpleTemplateWithValidators()``. .. _apireference-formeditor-stage-commonabstractformelementtemplates-selecttemplate: Stage/SelectTemplate ++++++++++++++++++++ This template behaves like the ``Stage/SimpleTemplate`` except that it also shows the chosen options labels of the form elements. This is naturally only possible for form elements that have ``properties.options.*`` values, e.g. ``MultiCheckbox``: .. code-block:: yaml type: MultiCheckbox identifier: multicheckbox-1 label: 'Multi checkbox' properties: options: value1: label1 value2: label2 The template will now list 'label1' and 'label2'. You can copy this template variant for your own form element, if that form- element template also lists array values, which, however, are not found under ``properties.options.*``. For this purpose, the 'Stage/FileUploadTemplate' is an example. It is basically the 'Stage/SelectTemplate' template, with one altered property. In the ``FileUpload`` form element, multiple property values are available under ``properties.allowedMimeTypes.*`` as an array. .. code-block:: yaml type: FileUpload identifier: fileupload-1 label: 'File upload' properties: saveToFileMount: '1:/user_upload/' allowedMimeTypes: - application/msexcel - application/pdf Stage/SelectTemplate .. code-block:: html
Stage/FileUploadTemplate .. code-block:: html
``data-template-property`` contains the path to the property, which is to be read out of the form element and then shown in the template. The ``Stage/SelectTemplate`` can then :ref:`be rendered ` with the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates()``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts: Basic JavaScript Concepts ------------------------- .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events: Events ^^^^^^ EXT:form implements the ``publish/subscribe pattern`` to put the event handling into effect. To learn more about this pattern, you should read https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/. Note that the order of the subscriber is not manipulable and that information flow between the subscribers does not exist. All events must be asynchronously designed. Publish an event: .. code-block:: javascript getPublisherSubscriber().publish('eventname', [argumentToPublish1, argumentToPublish2, ...]); Subscribe to an event: .. code-block:: javascript var subscriberToken = getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('eventname', function(topic, args) { // args[0] = argumentToPublish1 // args[1] = argumentToPublish2 // ... }); Unsubscribe an event subscriber: .. code-block:: javascript getPublisherSubscriber().unsubscribe(subscriberToken); EXT:form itself publishes and subscribes to the following events: .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-ajax-beforesend: ajax/beforeSend +++++++++++++++ Each Ajax request is called before this event is sent. EXT:form uses this event to display the spinner icon on the save button. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('ajax/beforeSend', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-ajax-complete: ajax/complete +++++++++++++ Each Ajax request is called after the end of this event. EXT:form uses this event to remove the spinner icon on the save button. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('ajax/complete', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-ajax-error: core/ajax/error +++++++++++++++ This event is called if the Ajax request, which is used to save the form or to render the current page of the form in the ``preview view``, fails. EXT:form uses this event to show an error message as a flash message and to show the received error text in the ``preview view``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = jqXHR * args[1] = textStatus * args[2] = errorThrown * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/error', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-ajax-renderformdefinitionpage-success: core/ajax/renderFormDefinitionPage/success ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the Ajax request that is used to render the current page of the form in the ``preview view`` was successful. EXT:form uses this event to display the rendered form in the ``preview view``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = html * args[1] = pageIndex * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/renderFormDefinitionPage/success', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-ajax-saveformdefinition-success: core/ajax/saveFormDefinition/success ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the Ajax request that is used to save the form was successful. EXT:form uses this event to display a success message as a flash message. The ``form editor`` is also informed that no unsaved content currently exists. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = html * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/ajax/saveFormDefinition/success', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-applicationstate-add: core/applicationState/add +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The addition/ deletion and movement of form elements und property collection elements (validators/ finishers) is saved in an internal stack so that the undo/ redo function can be implemented. This event is called whenever the current state is added to the stack. EXT:form uses this event to reset the enabled/ disabled state of the undo/ redo buttons. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = applicationState * args[1] = stackPointer * args[2] = stackSize * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/applicationState/add', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-currentlyselectedformelementchanged: core/currentlySelectedFormElementChanged ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()`` tells the ``form editor`` which form element should currently be dealt with. This method calls this event at the end. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/currentlySelectedFormElementChanged', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-core-formelement-somepropertychanged: core/formElement/somePropertyChanged ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Each :ref:`FormElement model` can write properties into the ``FormElement model`` through the methods ``get`` and ``set``. Each property path can register an event name for the publisher through the method ``on``. This event is then always called when a property path is written via ``set``. Read :ref:`FormElement model` for more information. EXT:form automatically registers for all known property paths of a form element the event ``core/formElement/somePropertyChanged``. This means that every property written via ``set`` calls this event. Among other things, EXT:form uses this event for, for example, updating the label of a form element in other components (e.g. ``Tree`` component ) when this label is changed. Furthermore, any validation errors from form element properties are indicated by this event in the ``Tree`` component. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = propertyPath * args[1] = value * args[2] = oldValue * args[3] = formElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('core/formElement/somePropertyChanged', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-collectionelement-moved: view/collectionElement/moved ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().movePropertyCollectionElement()`` calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the ``Inspector`` component as soon as a property collection element (validator/ finisher) is moved. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = movedCollectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = previousCollectionElementIdentifier * args[2] = nextCollectionElementIdentifier * args[3] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/moved', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-collectionelement-new-added: view/collectionElement/new/added ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddPropertyCollectionElement()`` calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the ``Inspector`` component as soon as a property collection element (validator/ finisher) is created and added. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * args[2] = formElement * args[3] = collectionElementConfiguration * args[4] = referenceCollectionElementIdentifier * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/new/added', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-collectionelement-removed: view/collectionElement/removed ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removePropertyCollectionElement()`` calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the ``Inspector`` component as soon as a property collection element (validator/ finisher) is removed. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * args[2] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/collectionElement/removed', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-formelement-inserted: view/formElement/inserted +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()`` and the event :ref:`view/insertElements/perform/after` call this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to set the current to-be-processed form element (``getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()``) and to re-render the ``Tree``, ``Stage`` and ``Inspector`` components. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = newFormElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/inserted', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-formelement-moved: view/formElement/moved ++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().moveFormElement()`` calls this event at the end. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = movedFormElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/moved', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-formelement-removed: view/formElement/removed ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removeFormElement()`` calls this event at the end. EXT:form uses this event to set the current to-be-processed form element (``getFormEditorApp().setCurrentlySelectedFormElement()``) and to re-render the ``Tree``, ``Stage`` and ``Inspector`` components. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = parentFormElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/formElement/removed', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-header-button-close-clicked: view/header/button/close/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The onClick event of the "Close" button in the ``form editor's`` header section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to display a warning message in case there are unsaved changes. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/close/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-header-button-newpage-clicked: view/header/button/newPage/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The onClick event of the "new page" button in the ``form editor's`` header section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to display the "new page" dialog box. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = targetEvent * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/newPage/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-header-button-save-clicked: view/header/button/save/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The onClick event of the "save" button in the ``form editor's`` header section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event either to display a dialog box with the element in question (if there are validation errors) or to save the ``form definition`` (if there are no validation errors). Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/button/save/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-header-formsettings-clicked: view/header/formSettings/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The onClick event of the "settings" button in the ``form editor's`` header section calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to select the root form element. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/header/formSettings/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-insertelements-perform-after: view/insertElements/perform/after +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element: - if "After" in the "Create new element" split button in the form-element toolbar for composite elements (e.g. fieldset) is clicked. - if the "Create new element" button in the form-element toolbar for non-composite elements is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()``) and then move (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().moveFormElement()``) it below the currently selected element (sibling). At the end of this event, the event :ref:`view/formElement/inserted` is called. The event ``view/formElement/inserted`` in ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()`` was previously deactivated. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementType * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/after', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-insertelements-perform-bottom: view/insertElements/perform/bottom ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element: - if, in the ``abstract view`` mode, the "Create new element" button at the end of the ``Stage`` component is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()``). This element is always created as the last element of the currently selected page. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementType * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/bottom', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-insertelements-perform-inside: view/insertElements/perform/inside ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a form element: - if "Inside" in the "Create new element" split button in the form-element toolbar for composite elements (e.g. fieldset) is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to create a new form element as a child element of the currently selected element (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()``). Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementType * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertElements/perform/inside', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-insertpages-perform: view/insertPages/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the "new element" dialog box upon selection of a page element: - if the "Create new page" icon in the header section is clicked. - if the "Create new page" button in the ``Tree`` component is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to create a new page after the currently selected page (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddFormElement()``). Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementType * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/insertPages/perform', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-inspector-collectionelement-existing-selected: view/inspector/collectionElement/existing/selected ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The ``inspector editors`` :ref:`ValidatorsEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.finisherseditor>` and :ref:`FinishersEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.validatorseditor>` are used to display the available validators/ finishers for a form element as a select box. Furthermore, these ``inspector editors`` indicate that in the ``form definition``, validators/ finishers for the currently selected element already exist. This occurs through the event ``view/inspector/collectionElement/existing/selected``. EXT:form uses this event to render these validators/ finishers and their tentatively configured ``inspector editors`` (``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderInspectorCollectionElementEditors()``). Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElement/existing/selected', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-inspector-collectionelement-new-selected: view/inspector/collectionElement/new/selected +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The ``inspector editors`` :ref:`ValidatorsEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.finisherseditor>` and :ref:`FinishersEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.validatorseditor>` are used to display the available validators/ finishers for a form element as a select box. The onChange event of the select box then calls this event. In addition, the ``inspector editor`` :ref:`RequiredValidatorEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.requiredvalidatoreditor>` calls this event when a checkbox is chosen. EXT:form uses this event to add and render the validator/ finisher of the ``form definition`` via ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().createAndAddPropertyCollectionElement()``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElement/new/selected', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-inspector-collectionelement-dnd-update: view/inspector/collectionElements/dnd/update ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/inspector/collectionElements/dnd/update`` event if a property collection element in the ``Inspector`` component is sorted. EXT:form uses this event to move the validator/ finisher in the ``form definition`` via the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().movePropertyCollectionElement()``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = movedCollectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = previousCollectionElementIdentifier * args[2] = nextCollectionElementIdentifier * args[3] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/collectionElements/dnd/update', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-inspector-editor-insert-perform: view/inspector/editor/insert/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The methods ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderInspectorEditors()`` (to render all ``inspector editors`` for a form element) and ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderInspectorCollectionElementEditors()`` (to render the ``inspector editors`` for a validator/ finisher) call this event at the end. Strictly speaking, the ``Inspector`` component in the method ``_renderEditorDispatcher()`` calls this event. Each ``inspector editor`` has the property :ref:`templateName .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.templatename>`, which gives the ``form editor`` two pieces of information. On the one hand the ``templateName`` must match with a key within the :ref:`TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.\.formeditor.formEditorPartials .formeditor.formeditorpartials>`. The ``form editor`` can consequently load a corresponding inline HTML template for the ``inspector editor``. On the other hand, the ``Inspector`` component must be told which JavaScript code should be executed for the ``inspector editor``. For the ``inspector editors`` delivered with EXT:form, this occurs within the method ``_renderEditorDispatcher()``. An existing hard-coded list of known ``inspector editors`` determines, by means of the property ``templateName``, which corresponding JavaScript method should be executed for the ``inspector editor``. At the end, the event ``view/inspector/editor/insert/perform`` is called. If you wish to implement your own ``inspector editor``, you can use this event to execute in :ref:`your own JavaScript module `. the corresponding JavaScript code, with the help of the property ``templateName``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = editorConfiguration * args[1] = editorHtml * args[2] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[3] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/editor/insert/perform', function(topic, args) { }); A simple example that registers a custom ``inspector editor`` called 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor' and adds it to text form elements: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formEditor: dynamicRequireJsModules: additionalViewModelModules: 10: 'TYPO3/CMS/MySitePackage/Backend/FormEditor/ViewModel' formEditorFluidConfiguration: partialRootPaths: 100: 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/FormEditor/' formEditorPartials: Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor: 'Inspector/MyCustomInspectorEditor' formElementsDefinition: Text: formEditor: editors: 600: templateName: 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor' ... .. code-block:: javascript :emphasize-lines: 107-116 /** * Module: TYPO3/CMS/MySitePackage/Backend/FormEditor/ViewModel */ define(['jquery', 'TYPO3/CMS/Form/Backend/FormEditor/Helper' ], function($, Helper) { 'use strict'; return (function($, Helper) { /** * @private * * @var object */ var _formEditorApp = null; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getFormEditorApp() { return _formEditorApp; }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getPublisherSubscriber() { return getFormEditorApp().getPublisherSubscriber(); }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getUtility() { return getFormEditorApp().getUtility(); }; /** * @private * * @param object * @return object */ function getHelper() { return Helper; }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getCurrentlySelectedFormElement() { return getFormEditorApp().getCurrentlySelectedFormElement(); }; /** * @private * * @param mixed test * @param string message * @param int messageCode * @return void */ function assert(test, message, messageCode) { return getFormEditorApp().assert(test, message, messageCode); }; /** * @private * * @return void * @throws 1491643380 */ function _helperSetup() { assert('function' === $.type(Helper.bootstrap), 'The view model helper does not implement the method "bootstrap"', 1491643380 ); Helper.bootstrap(getFormEditorApp()); }; /** * @private * * @return void */ function _subscribeEvents() { /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = editorConfiguration * args[1] = editorHtml * args[2] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[3] = collectionName * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/editor/insert/perform', function(topic, args) { if (args[0]['templateName'] === 'Inspector-MyCustomInspectorEditor') { renderMyCustomInspectorEditor( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3] ); } }); }; /** * @private * * @param object editorConfiguration * @param object editorHtml * @param string collectionElementIdentifier * @param string collectionName * @return void */ function renderMyCustomInspectorEditor(editorConfiguration, editorHtml, collectionElementIdentifier, collectionName) { // do cool stuff }); /** * @public * * @param object formEditorApp * @return void */ function bootstrap(formEditorApp) { _formEditorApp = formEditorApp; _helperSetup(); _subscribeEvents(); }; /** * Publish the public methods. * Implements the "Revealing Module Pattern". */ return { bootstrap: bootstrap }; })($, Helper); }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-inspector-removecollectionelement-perform: view/inspector/removeCollectionElement/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The ``inspector editor`` :ref:`RequiredValidatorEditor .formelementsdefinition.\.formeditor.editors.*.requiredvalidatoreditor>` calls this event, if the checkbox is deselected. EXT:form uses this event to remove the configured required validator ('NotEmpty') from the ``form definition`` through the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removePropertyCollectionElement()``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * args[2] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/inspector/removeCollectionElement/perform', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-modal-close-perform: view/modal/close/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you try to close the ``form editor`` with unsaved content, a dialog box appears, asking whether you really wish to close it. If you confirm it, this event is called in the ``check box`` component. EXT:form uses this event to close the ``form editor`` and return to the ``form manager``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/close/perform', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-modal-removecollectionelement-perform: view/modal/removeCollectionElement/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you try to remove a validator/ finisher by clicking the remove icon, a dialog box appears, asking you to confirm this action. If confirmed, this event is called in the ``check box`` component. EXT:form uses this event to remove the validator/ finisher from the ``form definition`` through the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removePropertyCollectionElement()``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = collectionElementIdentifier * args[1] = collectionName * args[2] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/removeCollectionElement/perform', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-modal-removeformelement-perform: view/modal/removeFormElement/perform ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you try to remove a form element by clicking the remove icon, a dialog box appears, asking you to confirm this action. If confirmed, this event is called in the ``check box`` component. EXT:form uses this event to remove the form element from the ``form definition`` via the method ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().removeFormElement()``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/removeFormElement/perform', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-modal-validationerrors-element-clicked: view/modal/validationErrors/element/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If a form element contains a validation error and you try to save the form, a dialog box appears, listing all form elements with validation errors. One such form element can be clicked in this dialog box. This event is called by clicking a form element in the dialog box. EXT:form uses this event to select and show this form element. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/modal/validationErrors/element/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-paginationnext-clicked: view/paginationNext/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the 'pagination next' button in the ``Stage`` component's header section is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to render the next page of the form. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/paginationNext/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-paginationprevious-clicked: view/paginationPrevious/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called, if the 'pagination previous' button in the ``Stage`` component's header section is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to render the previous page of the form. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/paginationPrevious/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-ready: view/ready ++++++++++ EXT:form makes it possible to load :ref:`your own JavaScript module `. If all modules are loaded, the view-model method ``_loadAdditionalModules`` calls this event. EXT:form uses this event to remove the preloader icon and finally initialize the ``form editor``. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/ready', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-redobutton-clicked: view/redoButton/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the redo button in the ``form editor`` header is clicked. The addition/ deletion and movement of form elements and property collection elements (validators/ finishers) is saved in an internal stack in order to reset the undo/ redo functionality. EXT:form uses this event to reset this stack to the previous state. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/redoButton/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-button-newelement-clicked: view/stage/abstract/button/newElement/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the "Create new element" button at the end of the ``Stage`` component in the ``abstract view`` mode is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to display the "new element" dialog box. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = targetEvent * args[1] = configuration * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/button/newElement/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-dnd-change: view/stage/abstract/dnd/change ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'change' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/stage/abstract/dnd/change`` event in the ``Stage`` component in the ``abstract view`` mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to set various CSS classes during the drag-and-drop process. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = placeholderDomElement * args[1] = parentFormElementIdentifierPath * args[2] = enclosingCompositeFormElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/change', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-dnd-start: view/stage/abstract/dnd/start +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'start' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/stage/abstract/dnd/start`` event in the ``Stage`` component in the ``abstract view`` mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to set various CSS classes at the start of the drag-and-drop process. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = draggedFormElementDomElement * args[1] = draggedFormPlaceholderDomElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/start', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-dnd-stop: view/stage/abstract/dnd/stop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'stop' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/stage/abstract/dnd/stop`` event in the ``Stage`` component in the ``abstract view`` mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to to re-render the ``Tree``, ``Stage`` and ``Inspector`` components at the end of the drag-and-drop process and to select the moved form element. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = draggedFormElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/stop', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-dnd-update: view/stage/abstract/dnd/update ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/stage/abstract/dnd/update`` event in the ``Stage`` component in the ``abstract view`` mode if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to move the form element in the ``form definition`` accordingly at the end of the drag-and-drop process. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = movedDomElement * args[1] = movedFormElementIdentifierPath * args[2] = previousFormElementIdentifierPath * args[3] = nextFormElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/dnd/update', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-elementtoolbar-button-newelement-clicked: view/stage/abstract/elementToolbar/button/newElement/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the "Create new element" button in the form-element toolbar or "Inside" or "After" in the split button is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to display the "New element" dialog box. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = targetEvent * args[1] = configuration * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/elementToolbar/button/newElement/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-render-postprocess: view/stage/abstract/render/postProcess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called after the ``abstract view`` of the ``Stage`` component has been rendered. EXT:form uses this event to render the undo/ redo buttons. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/postProcess', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-render-preprocess: view/stage/abstract/render/preProcess +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called before the ``abstract view`` of the ``Stage`` component is rendered. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/preProcess', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-abstract-render-template-perform: view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The methods ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().renderAbstractStageArea()`` call this event. Strictly speaking, the ``Stage`` component in the method ``_renderTemplateDispatcher()`` calls this event. The ``form editor`` requires for each form element an inline HTML template the corresponding JavaScript code. Information matching inline HTML templates to the appropriate form elements must be configured within :ref:`TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.\.formeditor.formEditorPartials .formeditor.formeditorpartials>`. At this point, the key identifying the form element follows a convention: ``FormElement-``. The value for the key tells the ``form editor`` which inline HTML template should be loaded for the respective form element. The ``_renderTemplateDispatcher()`` method then identifies, by means of the form element's ````, the corresponding JavaScript code to fill the inline HTML template with life. ``_renderTemplateDispatcher()`` contains a hard-coded list with the ```` that is brought in with the EXT:form, and it renders the inline HTML templates accordingly. At the end, the ``view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform`` event is called. If you wish to implement your own form element and show it in the ``form editor``, this event can be used to execute in :ref:`your own JavaScript module ` the corresponding JavaScript code, with the help of the ````. This is generally enough to allow the ``Stage/SimpleTemplate`` and/ or ``Stage/SelectTemplate`` inline HTML template to be rendered for your own form element and, in the JavaScript code, to access the ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSimpleTemplateWithValidators()`` and/ or ``getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates()`` method delivered with EXT:form. An overview over the functionality of the formEditorPartials for the ```` and its JavaScript code is found :ref:`here `. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElement * args[1] = template * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform', function(topic, args) { }); A simple example reusing the EXT:form inline HTML template ``Stage/SelectTemplate`` and the EXT:form JavaScript code ``renderSelectTemplates()`` for a custom form element with ```` = 'GenderSelect'. In this example, 'GenderSelect' is basically a radio button form element with some predefined options. .. code-block:: yaml :emphasize-lines: 11 TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formEditor: dynamicRequireJsModules: additionalViewModelModules: 10: 'TYPO3/CMS/MySitePackage/Backend/FormEditor/ViewModel' formEditorPartials: FormElement-GenderSelect: 'Stage/SelectTemplate' formElementsDefinition: GenderSelect: __inheritances: 10: 'TYPO3.CMS.Form.prototypes.standard.formElementsDefinition.RadioButton' renderingOptions: templateName: 'RadioButton' properties: options: f: 'Female' m: 'Male' u: 'Unicorn' a: 'Alien' formEditor: label: 'Gender Select' group: select groupSorting: 9000 predefinedDefaults: properties: options: f: 'Female' m: 'Male' u: 'Unicorn' a: 'Alien' editors: 300: null .. code-block:: javascript :emphasize-lines: 105-109 /** * Module: TYPO3/CMS/MySitePackage/Backend/FormEditor/ViewModel */ define(['jquery', 'TYPO3/CMS/Form/Backend/FormEditor/Helper' ], function($, Helper) { 'use strict'; return (function($, Helper) { /** * @private * * @var object */ var _formEditorApp = null; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getFormEditorApp() { return _formEditorApp; }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getPublisherSubscriber() { return getFormEditorApp().getPublisherSubscriber(); }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getUtility() { return getFormEditorApp().getUtility(); }; /** * @private * * @param object * @return object */ function getHelper() { return Helper; }; /** * @private * * @return object */ function getCurrentlySelectedFormElement() { return getFormEditorApp().getCurrentlySelectedFormElement(); }; /** * @private * * @param mixed test * @param string message * @param int messageCode * @return void */ function assert(test, message, messageCode) { return getFormEditorApp().assert(test, message, messageCode); }; /** * @private * * @return void * @throws 1491643380 */ function _helperSetup() { assert('function' === $.type(Helper.bootstrap), 'The view model helper does not implement the method "bootstrap"', 1491643380 ); Helper.bootstrap(getFormEditorApp()); }; /** * @private * * @return void */ function _subscribeEvents() { /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElement * args[1] = template * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/abstract/render/template/perform', function(topic, args) { if (args[0].get('type') === 'GenderSelect') { getFormEditorApp().getViewModel().getStage().renderSelectTemplates(args[0], args[1]); } }); }; /** * @public * * @param object formEditorApp * @return void */ function bootstrap(formEditorApp) { _formEditorApp = formEditorApp; _helperSetup(); _subscribeEvents(); }; /** * Publish the public methods. * Implements the "Revealing Module Pattern". */ return { bootstrap: bootstrap }; })($, Helper); }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-element-clicked: view/stage/element/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the ``Stage`` component when a form element is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to select this element and to display the form-element toolbar. In addition, the ``Tree`` and ``Inspector`` components are re-rendered. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/element/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-panel-clicked: view/stage/panel/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the header section of the ``Stage`` component is clicked. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/panel/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-stage-preview-render-postprocess: view/stage/preview/render/postProcess +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called after the ``preview view`` of the ``Stage`` component has been rendered. EXT:form uses this event to render the undo/ redo buttons. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/stage/preview/render/postProcess', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-structure-button-newpage-clicked: view/structure/button/newPage/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the onClick event of the ``Tree`` component's "Create new page" button. EXT:form uses this event to display the "new page" dialog box. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = targetEvent * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/button/newPage/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-structure-renew-postprocess: view/structure/renew/postProcess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the view-model after the ``Tree`` component has been re-rendered. EXT:form uses this event to display potential validation errors from form elements in the ``Tree`` component. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/renew/postProcess', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-structure-root-selected: view/structure/root/selected ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called if the root form element in the ``Tree`` component is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the ``Stage``, ``Inspector`` and ``Tree`` components. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/structure/root/selected', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-tree-dnd-change: view/tree/dnd/change ++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'change' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/tree/dnd/change`` event in der ``Tree`` component if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to set various CSS classes during the drag -and-drop process. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = placeholderDomElement * args[1] = parentFormElementIdentifierPath * args[2] = enclosingCompositeFormElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/change', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-tree-dnd-stop: view/tree/dnd/stop ++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'stop' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/tree/dnd/stop`` event in the ``Tree`` component if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to re-render ``Tree``, ``Stage`` and ``Inspector`` components at the end of the drag-and-drop process and to select the moved form element. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = draggedFormElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/stop', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-tree-dnd-update: view/tree/dnd/update ++++++++++++++++++++ EXT:form uses the jQuery plugin 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' for the drag-and- drop functionality. The 'update' event from 'jquery.mjs.nestedSortable' calls the ``view/tree/dnd/update`` event in der ``Tree`` component if form elements are sorted. EXT:form uses this event to move the form element in the ``form definition`` accordingly at the end of the drag-and-drop process. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = movedDomElement * args[1] = movedFormElementIdentifierPath * args[2] = previousFormElementIdentifierPath * args[3] = nextFormElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/dnd/update', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-tree-node-clicked: view/tree/node/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called from the ``Tree`` component if a form element is clicked. EXT:form uses this event to re-render the ``Stage`` and ``Inspector`` components and select the form element. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = formElementIdentifierPath * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/node/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-tree-render-listitemadded: view/tree/render/listItemAdded ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called by the ``Tree`` component for each form element as soon as it is added to the tree. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * args[0] = listItem * args[1] = formElement * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/tree/render/listItemAdded', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-undobutton-clicked: view/undoButton/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called when the undo button is clicked in the ``form editor`` header. The history of adding / deleting and moving form elements and property collection elements (validators/ finishers) is stored in an internal stack to implement the undo / redo functionality. EXT:form uses this event to set this stack to the next state. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/undoButton/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-viewmodebutton-abstract-clicked: view/viewModeButton/abstract/clicked ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called when the abstract view button is clicked in the header area of the ``Stage`` component. EXT:form uses this event to render the ``abstract view`` in the ``Stage`` component. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/viewModeButton/abstract/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-events-view-viewmodebutton-preview-clicked: view/viewModeButton/preview/clicked +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This event is called when the preview button is clicked in the header area of the ``Stage`` component. EXT:form uses this event to render the ``preview view`` in the ``Stage`` component. Subscribe to the event: .. code-block:: javascript /** * @private * * @param string * @param array * @return void */ getPublisherSubscriber().subscribe('view/viewModeButton/preview/clicked', function(topic, args) { }); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel: FormElement model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-property-parentrenderable: Property: __parentRenderable ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ __parentRenderable includes the parent element as ``FormElement model``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-property-identifierpath: Property: __identifierPath ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Internally, all form elements are identified by their 'identifier' property, which must be unique for each form. The ``__identifierPath`` property contains the path to the element (as seen from the first element), separated by a ``/``. Using this path, you can access the element directly through an API method. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-get: Method: get() +++++++++++++ Each property of the ``FormElement model`` can be accessed by the ``get()`` method through the property path (separated by ``.``). Prerequisite for this is that all levels up to the target property are objects. Example of a ``FormElement model``: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": { "placeholder": "Name" } }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "NotEmpty" } ] } Access to ``properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder``: .. code-block:: javascript // value = 'Name' var value = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').get('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder'); Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (``property collections``) and the ``renderables``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-get-propertycollectionproperties: Accessing property collection properties '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Property collection are identified as form elements through the property ``identifier``. Because property collection properties are in an array and their positions in the array are potentially unknown, the ``getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath()`` method exists. This can be used to access a property of a property collection item via its ``identifier``. Example of a ``FormElement model``: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": { "placeholder": "Name" } }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "StringLength" "options": { "minimum": "1", "maximum": "2" } } ] } Access to ``options.minimum`` of the validator ``StringLength``: .. code-block:: javascript var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name'); var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement); // value = 1 var value = formElement.get(propertyPath); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-get-renderables: Accessing renderables ''''''''''''''''''''' Like ``property collections``, ``renderables`` (the child elements) are also in an array and their position in the array is potentially unknown. Direct access to child elements through the ``get()`` method is impossible. ``formElement.get('renderables')`` supplies an array with the ``FormElement models`` of the child elements. You must then loop over this array. Access to a specific child element should be done using ``getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath()``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-set: Method: set() +++++++++++++ Any property of the ``FormElement model`` can be written using the ``set()`` method by means of the property path (separated by ``.``). Example of a ``FormElement model``: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": { "placeholder": "Name" } }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "NotEmpty" } ] } Set the property ``properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder``: .. code-block:: javascript getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').set('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'New Placeholder'); Example of the ``FormElement model`` after the ``set()`` operation: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": { "placeholder": "New Placeholder" } }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "NotEmpty" } ] } Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (``property collections``) and the ``renderables``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-set-propertycollectionproperties: Setting property collection properties '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In principle, the same applies here as for :ref:`get property collection properties`. Set the property ``options.minimum`` of the validator ``StringLength``: .. code-block:: javascript var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name'); var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement); formElement.set(propertyPath, '2'); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-set-renderables: Setting renderables ''''''''''''''''''' To add child form elements to a ``FormElement model``, the appropriate API methods should be used: - getFormEditorApp().createAndAddFormElement() - getFormEditorApp().addFormElement() - getFormEditorApp().moveFormElement() - getFormEditorApp().removeFormElement() .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-unset: Method: unset() +++++++++++++++ Any property of the ``FormElement model`` can be deleted using the method ``unset()`` by means of the property path (separated by ``.``). Example of a ``FormElement model``: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": { "placeholder": "Name" } }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "NotEmpty" } ] } Delete the property ``properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder``: .. code-block:: javascript // value = 'Name' var value = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').unset('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder'); Example of the ``FormElement model`` after the ``unset()`` operation: .. code-block:: javascript { "identifier": "name", "defaultValue": "", "label": "Name", "type": "Text", "properties": { "fluidAdditionalAttributes": {} }, "__parentRenderable": "example-form/page-1 (filtered)", "__identifierPath": "example-form/page-1/name", "validators": [ { "identifier": "NotEmpty" } ] } Two exceptions are the two arrays of "finishers" / "validators" (``property collections``) and the ``renderables``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-unset-propertycollectionproperties: Remove property collection properties ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In principle, the same applies here as for :ref:`get property collection properties`. Delete the property ``options.minimum`` of the validator ``StringLength``: .. code-block:: javascript var formElement = getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name'); var propertyPath = getFormEditorApp().buildPropertyPath('options.minimum', 'StringLength', 'validators', formElement); formElement.unset(propertyPath); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-unset-renderables: Remove renderables '''''''''''''''''' To delete a ``FormElement model``, the corresponding API method ``getFormEditorApp().removeFormElement()`` should be used. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-on: Method: on() ++++++++++++ Any number of :ref:`Publisher/Subscriber` events can be assigned to any property path of a ``FormElement model``. Each ``set()`` operation on this property path will then call these events. By default, EXT:form registers the event :ref:`core/formElement/somePropertyChanged` for each property path. Example: .. code-block:: javascript getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').on('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'my/custom/event'); getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').set('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'New Placeholder'); // now, the event 'my/custom/event' will be published .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-off: Method: off() +++++++++++++ Any event registered via :ref:`on()` can be removed with off(). Example: .. code-block:: javascript getFormEditorApp().getFormElementByIdentifierPath('example-form/page-1/name').off('properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.placeholder', 'my/custom/event'); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-getobjectdata: Method: getObjectData() +++++++++++++++++++++++ All ``FormElement model`` properties are private and cannot be manipulated directly from the outside. They can only be accessed via ``set()`` or ``get()``. This method is used internally to obtain all data of a ``FormElement model`` in object form so that they can be used in, for example, Ajax requests. ``getObjectData()`` returns a dereferenced object of the ``FormElement model`` with all internal data, thus allowing read access to all data set via ``set()``. .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-tostring: Method: toString() ++++++++++++++++++ A method that was implemented for debugging purposes. Returns the object data supplied by ``getObjectData()`` in string form. .. code-block:: javascript console.log(formElement.toString()); .. _apireference-formeditor-basicjavascriptconcepts-formelementmodel-method-clone: Method: clone() +++++++++++++++ If necessary, a form element can be cloned. Returns a dereferenced clone of the original ``FormElement model``. .. code-block:: javascript var dolly = formElement.clone();