.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _validators: ========== Validators ========== .. _validators-introduction: Introduction ------------ Validators can be maintained with all form elements to check input for "validity" - presence, meaningfulness and correctness. For example, you can determine whether a field has been filled in or the information provided is an email address. Additionally, you can **define** your own **error messages** for the fields. These messages can be maintained in the **form editor**. In the following, the individual validators are **explained** and their **function** is discussed. .. figure:: Images/form_validators.png :alt: In the Inspector - setting for maintaining validators. In the Inspector - setting for maintaining validators. .. _validators-overview-of-validators: Overview of validators ---------------------- .. _validators-alphanumeric: Alphanumeric ============ The validator checks whether the field contains an alphanumeric string only. "Alphanumeric" defines a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters. No special characters may be entered in this field, only characters from **[A-Z] and [0-9]**. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message that will be issued if validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_alphanumeric.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Alphanumeric' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Alphanumeric' validator. .. _validators-string-length: String length ============= The validator uses the *minimum* and *maximum* values to check how many characters may be **entered** in the field. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Minimum**: How many characters the field must contain as a minimum. - **Maximum**: How many characters the field may contain as a maximum. - **Custom error message**: Custom error message that will be displayed if the validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_stringLength.png :alt: In the Inspector - settings to the validator 'String length'. In the Inspector - settings to the validator 'String length'. .. _validators-email: Email ===== The validator checks whether the specified value is a **valid email address**. The default allows international characters and multiple occurrences of the **@ sign**. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message issued when validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Email address (validator is automatically active) - Password - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_email.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'E-mail' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'E-mail' validator. .. _validators-integer-number: Integer number ============== The validator checks whether the specified value is a **valid integer**. No numbers with commas can be entered. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message issued when validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_integerNumber.png :alt: In the Inspector - settings to the validator 'Integer number'. In the Inspector - settings to the validator 'Integer number'. .. _validators-floating-point-number: Floating-point number ===================== The validator checks whether the specified value is a **valid floating-point number**. Only numbers with a comma can be entered. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message issued when validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_floatingPointNumber.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Floating-point number' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Floating-point number' validator. .. _validators-number: Number ====== The validator checks whether the specified value is a **valid number**. Only numbers without a comma can be entered. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message issued when validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Number (validator is automatically active). .. figure:: Images/form_validators_number.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Number' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Number' validator. .. _validators-number-range: Number range ============ The validator checks if the specified value is a number within the **specified number range**. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Minimum**: The minimum value to accept. - **Maximum**: The maximum value to be accepted. - **Custom error message**: Custom error message that will be issued if the validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Number - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_numberRange.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Number range' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Number range' validator. .. _validators-regular-expression: Regular expression ================== The validator checks whether the **specified value** matches the **specified regular expression**. The settings for the validator: - **Regular expression**: the regular expression to use for validation. - **Custom error message**: set your own error message if the validation fails. Imagine the following example. You want the user to specify a domain name. The value entered should contain only the domain, for example, "docs.typo3.org" instead of "https://docs.typo3.org" The regular expression for this use case would be **/^[a-z]+.[a-z]+.[a-z]$/**. **Content elements where to maintain the validator**: - Text - Textarea - Password - Telephone number - URL - Advanced password .. figure:: Images/form_validators_regularExpression.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings for the 'Regular Expression' validator. In the Inspector - Settings for the 'Regular Expression' validator. .. _validators-date-range: Date range ========== The validator checks whether the specified value is within the specified **date range**. The range can be defined by specifying a **start** and/or **end date**. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom Error Message**: custom error message that will be issued if validation fails. - **Start date**: Here you select the beginning of the date range (input: YYYY-MM-DD ). - **End date**: Here you select the end of the date range (input: YYYY-MM-DD ). **Form element where the validator is available**: - Date .. figure:: Images/form_validators_dateRange.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Date range' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Date range' validator. .. _validators-number-of-submitted-values: Number of submitted values ========================== The validator checks whether the specified value, which is defined in a *minimum* and a *maximum*, contains the specified number of elements. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Minimum**: the minimum number of values submitted. - **Maximum**: The maximum number of submitted values. - **Custom error message**: custom error message that will be issued if the validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Multi checkbox - Multi select .. figure:: Images/form_validators_numberOfSubmittedValues.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the validator 'Number of submitted values'. In the Inspector - Settings element for the validator'Number of submitted values'. .. _validators-file-size: File size ========= The validator checks a **file resource** for its file size. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Minimum**: The minimum file size that is accepted (default: 0B). - **Maximum**: The maximum file size that will be accepted (default: 10M). Use the format **B | K | M | G** (byte | kilobyte | megabyte | gigabyte) when entering file sizes. For example: **10M** means **10 megabytes**. Please note that the maximum file size also depends on the settings of your server environment. **Form element where the validator is available**: - File upload - Image upload .. figure:: Images/form_validators_fileSize.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'File size' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'File size' validator. .. _validators-date-time: Date/Time ========= The validator checks if the specified value is a valid **date and/ or time**. The settings for the validator are as follows: - **Custom error message**: custom error message that will be issued if the validation fails. **Form element where the validator is available**: - Date picker (jQuery) .. figure:: Images/form_validators_dateTime.png :alt: In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Date/Time' validator. In the Inspector - Settings element for the 'Date/Time' validator.