.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _concepts-formmanager: Form manager ============ .. _concepts-formmanager-general: What does it do? ---------------- The ``form manager`` can be accessed by opening the backend module 'Forms'. It allows the editor to administer all of the existing forms stored on the accessible filemounts. The central element of the ``form manager`` is a table view which... - lists all forms - allows users to create, edit, duplicate, and delete forms - names the storage folder - gives a broad overview on which pages the listed forms are used in. The creation and duplication of forms is supported by a so-called ``form wizard``. The wizard guides the editor through the process and offers a variety of settings depending on the form configuration. Those settings include choosing filemounts, prototypes, and start templates. .. figure:: ../../Images/form_manager.png :alt: The form manager TYPO3 Backend with opened module 'Forms' displaying the form manager. .. _concepts-formmanager-starttemplate: Start templates --------------- This is a very nifty feature. When creating a new form, the ``form manager`` allows the backend editor to select a so-called ``Start template``. Such a template is a predefined ``form definition`` without the property ``prototypeName`` which is normally used as a foundation of a new form. As an integrator, you can specify as many ``Start templates`` as you desire for a given ``prototype``. After you have defined such a template, follow these easy steps to use your defined ``Start templates`` as a foundation: - open the ``Forms`` module - create a new form by clicking on the appropriate button - enter the 'Form name' and click the checkbox 'Advanced settings' - during the next steps you can select a ``Start template`` For each ``prototype``, you have to define a ``Start template`` in order to enable the editor to choose one. Additionally, the same ``Start template`` can be used for several ``prototypes``. To do so, make sure the included form elements of the template are defined in the corresponding ``prototype``. For example, imagine your integrator has :ref:`configured` a prototype called 'routing' which contains a custom form element with the ```` 'locationPicker'. The element is only defined for this prototype. The integrator has created a ``Start template`` which carries the 'locationPicker' form element. A backend editor could now select and use this ``Start template``, including the custom form element, as long as the ``prototype`` is set to 'routing'. If the integrator also adds this custom form element to another ``prototype``, the process would crash. The custom form element is only known by the ``prototype`` 'routing'. The following code block shows the minimal configuration of a ``Start template``. You need at least the root form element ('Form') and a 'Page'. .. code-block:: yaml type: 'Form' identifier: 'blankForm' label: '[Blank Form]' renderables: - type: 'Page' identifier: 'page-1' label: 'Page' As mentioned previously, the form wizard within the ``form manager`` offers a list of all existing, :ref:`pre-configured` ``Start templates``. As soon as the backend editor creates a form with the help of such a template, a new ``form definition`` is generated based on the one of the selected ``Start template``. The ``form definition`` will be enriched by the property ``propertyName`` defining the chosen ``prototype``. The ``identifier`` of the root form element ('Form') is automatically set based on the entered "Form name". Additionally, this name is used for the property `` label`` of the 'Form' element. Finally, the ``form editor`` is loaded and displays the newly created form. .. _concepts-formmanager-translation-starttemplate: Translation of the form manager ------------------------------- All option values which reside below the following configuration keys can be translated: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: formManager: The translation files of the ``form manager`` are loaded as follows: .. code-block:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: formManager: translationFile: # translation files for the form manager 10: 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Language/Database.xlf' 20: 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Private/Language/Form/Database.xlf' The process searches for each option value within all of the defined translation files. If a translation is found, the translated option value will be used in preference. Imagine, the following is defined for an option value: .. code-block:: yaml ... label: 'formManager.selectablePrototypesConfiguration.standard.label' ... First of all, the process searches for the translation key ``formManager.selectablePrototypesConfiguration.standard.label`` within the file ``20: 'EXT:my_site_package/Resources/Private/Language/Form/Database.xlf'`` and after it inside the file ``10: 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Language/Database.xlf'``. If nothing is found, the option value will be displayed unmodified. Due to compatibility issues, the setting ``translationFile`` is not defined as an array in the default configuration. To load your own translation files, you should define an array containing 'EXT:form/Resources/Private/Language/Database.xlf' as first entry (key ``10``) followed by your own file (key ``20``) as displayed in the example above.