.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _psr14events: ============= PSR-14 events ============= The following PSR-14 events are available to extend the functionality: AfterAutoCreateRedirectHasBeenPersistedEvent ============================================ React on persisted auto-created redirects. :ref:`More details ` BeforeRedirectMatchDomainEvent ============================== Implement a custom redirect matching upon the loaded redirects or return a matched redirect record from other sources. :ref:`More details ` ModifyAutoCreateRedirectRecordBeforePersistingEvent =================================================== Modify the redirect record before it is persisted to the database. :ref:`More details ` ModifyRedirectManagementControllerViewDataEvent =============================================== Modify or enrich view data for the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Redirects\Controller\ManagementController`. :ref:`More details ` RedirectWasHitEvent =================== Process the matched redirect further and adjust the PSR-7 response. :ref:`More details ` SlugRedirectChangeItemCreatedEvent ================================== Manage the redirect sources for which redirects should be created. :ref:`More details `